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ContentsAugust-September 2016

COVERFEATURES                          33	 OUT-OF-HOME MEDIA                                                          24

8	 MALL CULTURE                                  Lack of credible data has long                                       REGULARS
                                                 bedevilled the local out-of-home
‘Going to the mall’ in SA is as much                                                                                  4	 IN MY OPINION
                                       media industry. Now a new
about lifestyle as shopping needs.                                                                                              Cynical consumers often blame
                                       measurement system could                                                                 marketers for unethical business
But at what point are we saturated                                                                                              behaviour. It’s time for the
                                       change that                                                                              profession to make a stand
with shopping centres?                                                                                                          for honesty

14	 FRANCHISING:                       36	 ADVERTISING                                                                6	 IN SHORT
                                                 The pitch is one of the most disruptive                                        News, views, trends, what’s hot
                                                 aspects of ad agency life. An industry                                         and what’s not. Interesting snippets
                                                                                                                                and the latest news from the wide
We examine the philosophy of           veteran takes a jaundiced look at                                                        world of marketing

franchising and why, in SA, it shows   the process                                                                    46	 SAFFER IN AMERICA

steady growth and has largely          40	 MARKETING ETHICS                                                                     South African academic Michael
                                                                                                                                Goldman, now based in San
withstood tough economic times                                                                                                  Francisco, gives a marketing
                                                                                                                                perspective from the US
20	 FRANCHISING: FOOD                  Consumers increasingly view
                                       marketing as manipulation. It’s                                                56	 WEIRD WORLD OF
In the competitive world of franchise  important to dispel this notion and the
                                                                                                                                The customer service robot that
marketing, what does it take to be     profession should take steps to do so                                                    responds to language and human
                                                                                                                                emotion. Plus the ‘man crèche’
the Franchise Association’s ‘Brand     42	 INFLUENCER MARKETING                                                                 that women shoppers love as
                                                                                                                                much as their husbands do
Builder of the Year’ for 2016?

24	 LIQUOR MARKETING                   The brand ambassador has long been
                                       a persuasive marketing strategy. Add

Falling market share, strong           the amplifying effect of social media

competitors and an outdated product    and you have influencer marketing

image are forcing the local brandy     48 	 TECHNOLOGY

industry to drastically rethink

its strategies                         One of the world’s most prestigious

THEFEATURES                            publications has predicted that virtual
                                       reality technology may be the ‘latest
28	 BUSINESS STRATEGY                  frontier for marketing’

The business paradigm is changing, 50	 HOT OFF THE PRESS

with established brands increasingly   Difficult economic times encourage

less able to protect their market      consumers to find new and innovative

share against more agile disruptors    ways of using traditional products,

32	 CO-CREATION                        says newly published research

Social media users are helping         52 	 GLOBAL VILLAGE

brands to create innovative product    Peaceful Jordan is committed to

ideas, ranging from a beer-and-        attracting foreign investors to its often-

peanuts holder to a new ice            volatile corner of the Middle East. But

cream flavour                          regional instability may derail this

DISCLAIMER                                                                                                            NEXT ISSUE: Pharmacies: Becoming
“As supplier of the goods/services, you, the Advertiser warrant that you are familiar with and will comply with the
provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, Act 68 of 2008 (‘CPA’) in all transactions between us. Among other, the    mainstream retailers Supply Chain: Make-
CPA provides for some consumer rights regarding delivery, returns, disclosure of information and product quality and  or-break for supermarkets Stokvels: An
safety. You accordingly indemnify the Institute of Marketing Management against any damages that we or any other      opportunity for marketers? International
party may suffer as a result of your noncompliance with the CPA or as a result of any damages suffered by any party   campaigns: Saving the rhino
due to defective or unsafe goods/services supplied by you.”

                                                                                   August–September 2016 strategicmarketing  3
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