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JOURNAL OF                                 FROM THE IMM

PUBLISHER                                            A modern brand embracing heritage and legacy
Mike Simpson Media on behalf of the
Institute of Marketing Management (IMM)              THE INSTITUTE OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT                  With the forthcoming introduction of the
                                                     (IMM) is South Africa’s oldest marketing body. It   IMM’s Certified Professional Marketer South
Publishing Project Manager Jeanette Simpson          unveiled its Diploma in Marketing Management        Africa and Certified Professional Marketer
Tel: 011 609 9222                                    around 1988, and later introduced the BBA           Africa (delivered by the AMC) qualifications, the
Email:                  degree in Marketing Management, the BCom            IMM is again pioneering marketing excellence                      in Marketing and Management Science, and            and providing a continental and South African
                                                     other higher marketing degrees. This elevated       benchmark for those with marketing degrees.
EDITORIAL                                            the IMM from being just an association of
Editor Mike Simpson                                  marketing members, as it had been since                The refreshed, reinvigorated 2016 IMM
Tel: 011 609 9222                                    1948, to a Graduate School.                         presents its members with a value package
Email:                                                                      inclusive of a networking platform of like-                             Over the past three decades the IMM has          minded professionals and students, a
Art Director Tamlin Lockhart                         continued to champion the development of            database of South African marketers, thought
                                                     marketing, expanding into Zimbabwe and              leadership, trends and topical discussions,
PRODUCTION                                           influencing trends across the continent. One of     career advice and job opportunities. In
Reproduction Tamlin Lockhart                         the ways it does this is through this publication,  addition to receiving this magazine, IMM
Printing Business Print                              which has been in existence since 2008.             members are automatically able to access
                                                                                                         other benefits by virtue of the IMM’s
DISTRIBUTION                                            In 2010 the IMM was instrumental in              membership to the AMC.
Print edition RNA, Ezweni and                        launching the African Marketing Confederation
Media Support                                        (AMC), an amalgamation of continent-wide               We are proud of the IMM and its advance-
Digital/PDF edition IMM                              marketing associations whose mandate is             ment of marketing! Enjoy this issue.
                                                     to promote African marketing leadership
SUBSCRIPTIONS                                        and excellence.                                                                            Nigel Tattersall
RNA Ramsay Media Subscriptions
Tel: 0860 100 204                                                                                                                                Helen McIntee

ADVERTISING                                          FROM THE EDITOR
Barbara Spence
Avenue Advertising                                   Life and times of the South African mall shopper
Tel: 011 463 7940
Fax: 086 518 9936                                    IF YOU’RE AN URBAN SOUTH AFRICAN, YOU’RE               The other aspect, however, is how long we
Mobile: 082 881 3454                                 almost certainly spending a fair amount of time     can keep on building new malls and extending
Email:                          in malls and large shopping centres. If you live    existing ones. Is there a saturation point? Or is
                                                     in a country town without a development of          there always room for more?
IMM INSTITUTE OF MARKETING                           this kind, you probably spend time and money
MANAGEMENT                                           travelling to one – or wish you could.                 All in all, it’s a topic close to the hearts of
Director Nigel Tattersall                                                                                South Africans and makes for fascinating
Director Helen McIntee                                  Few nations have embraced the mall culture       reading. Don’t miss our article on pg 8.
                                                     as enthusiastically as South Africans. It’s about
IMM CONTACT DETAILS                                  much more than simply shopping; it’s also              While technology is improving the mall
Atlas Studios, 33 Frost Ave                          about lifestyle, entertainment – and, of course,    experience, it’s also helping marketers and
(cnr Owl Street), Braamfontein Werf,                 a higher level of convenience, cleanliness and      their agencies to better measure and quantify
Johannesburg; PO Box 91820,                          security than you typically find in our CBDs.       their advertising spending.
Auckland Park 2006
Tel: 011 628 2000                                       Given the prominence of malls, shopping             GPS positioning and satellite data once                               centre managers and their marketing teams           seemed exotic. Now it’s so commonplace                                    are continually working to refine the customer      and relatively affordable that the out-of-home
IN ASSOCIATION WITH                                  experience – down to introducing VIP lounges        industry is using it to achieve an audience
                                                     and using facial recognition technology to gauge    measurement revolution. Read about it on
Brought to you by the Institute of Marketing         whether visitors are enjoying their experience.     page 33. Enjoy your read!
Management (IMM), The IMM Journal of Strategic
Marketing reflects an unbiased perspective of local                                                                                               Mike Simpson
and international marketing trends and opinion
without compromise, courageously and coherently.

                                                                      August–September 2016 strategicmarketing  1
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