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                                           Franchising serves a range of business sectors, including the home
                                           handyman market through brands such as Jack’s Paint and Hardware

SOUTH AFRICA’S FIRST FORAY                 model is tailor-made for a country like  saw its lower-income Captain DoRegos
        into franchising came about in     ours where, prior to 1994, the majority  franchise battle against tough trading
        the mid-1960s with the establish-  of the population was prevented from     conditions in its market – and recently
ment of quick-service restaurant chain     developing an entrepreneurial mind-      the group announced that it is
Steers in Johannesburg. Since then, the    set. By receiving on-going training      contemplating selling the franchise.
concept has made significant inroads
and achieved exceptional growth during     ?                                          The slowing South African economy
the past decade.                           The franchise model                      in 2016 may yet see other franchise
                                           is tailor-made for a                     brands hit tough times.
  According to research released by        country like ours
the 37-year-old Franchise Association                                               STRONG FOUNDATIONS
of South Africa (FASA) last year, 625      and guidance from franchisors,           “But franchises with strong foundations
franchisors – those who own the            franchisees are able to build their      and a sound business strategy continue
overall rights, intellectual property and  entrepreneurial/business skills and      to produce excellent trading results,”
trademarks of a franchise brand – sell     their businesses concurrently. ”         says Illetschko. “Performance figures
goods and services through a network                                                presented by top brands in the 2016
of more than 39 000 outlets, most of         Built around the mantra, ‘be in        FASA Awards for Excellence in Franchising
which are franchised.                      business for yourself but not by         competition are ample proof of this.”
                                           yourself’, franchising weathered the
  A 2006 survey by Standard Bank put       recent global economic downturn far        Leading the franchisor competition
the number of franchisors at 404, which    better than independent operations,      – with the most impressive financial
indicates 55% growth in 10 years. The      both locally and globally.               results and growth in the sector for the
sector provides direct employment to                                                year – was OBC Chicken & Meat. The
more than 520 000 people, contributes        But it was not totally unaffected      chicken, meat and fish, eggs and dry
12,5% to the country’s GDP and             and 2009 saw the closure of some         goods retailer achieved 30% average
achieves annual turnover exceeding         Vida-e Café coffee shops in Cape         growth across the group and an increase
R465-billion (up from R302-billion in      Town, for example, following disputes    of two-million customers. Runners-up
2012). This figure excludes sales of       between franchisees and the franchisor   were Car Service City (auto service and
motor vehicles and fuel.                   over profit expectations. Some food      repairs) and Cash Converters (retail
                                           franchises struggled as consumers        pawnbroking and mini loans).
  “That franchising continues to grow      tightened their belts. Spur Corporation
in South Africa is not surprising,” says                                              The top three individual franchisees
franchise consultant, co-founder of                                                 for 2016 were drawn from Placecol Skin
FASA and author of several books on                                                 Care Clinic (beauty), Perfect 10 (beauty)
the topic, Kurt Illetschko. “The business                                           and Car Service City. >>

                                              August–September 2016 strategicmarketing 15
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