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Many franchisees believe that they ¦ Rolling out national marketing
don’t have the power or the need to campaigns in the area;
run local marketing campaigns. But ¦ Running local marketing campaigns;
this is not the case, as the franchisor ¦ Providing excellent customer service;
entrusts the franchisee with promoting ¦ Upholding the franchise’s corporate
the brand within the local community, ID and brand standards;
advises specialist franchising website ¦ Ensuring that employees are good brand ambassadors;
¦ Being aware of local competitor
“Remember that the local activity;
activities you run will help boost ¦ Giving feedback to the franchisor
your business and ultimately your on marketing activities;
bottom-line,” the website says, while ¦ Allocating and spending a local
listing the following franchisee marketing budget.
marketing responsibilities:
larger number of smaller businesses 2016 FASA awards, the brand was Illetschko. “The franchisor is
rather than being concentrated in a named Job Creator of the Year for 2015. responsible for the creation and on-
few larger ones.” going development of the brand, and
It has since extended its business this requires aggressive marketing.”
EMERGING SECTORS offering into valet services, dent repair
Although fast food and restaurants and tyre replacement. Its success, Before committing themselves to a
continue to dominate – they account says Brady, is not just about filling franchisor, he recommends prospective
for 24% of the total franchise industry – gaps in the market; the company is franchisees should first satisfy
there are 17 different franchise business equally serious about marketing and themselves that the brand they plan to
sectors listed in the FASA report. supporting its franchisees. invest in enjoys the respect of its target
market. Secondly, they should ask for
Retailing (12%) and building, office ? proof that the franchisor has a strategy
and home services (11%) are the Franchising can for the development of the brand that
next largest sectors. Among the two adapt and will extends over the medium to long term.
sectors showing significant growth are reinvent itself
automotive products and services, as According to Lang, the growth of the
well as childcare, education and training. One of the most distinctive and childcare, education and training sector
effective marketing campaigns is driven by an increased demand
As mentioned by Du Preez, involves the distribution of promotional for safe educational environments
the franchised automotive repair flyers by people in orange overalls at for children. Among the franchising
market has performed well during intersections near outlets. The company businesses leading this sector is
the economic downturn, as more also uses social media to market its Sherpa Kids, which, through around
motorists choose to maintain existing services and has more than 25 000 30 locations countrywide, provides
vehicles rather than to replace them. followers on Facebook, which it uses primary school children with structured
The trend continues as franchised as a platform to promote customer before- and after-school and holiday
automotive products and services testimonials posted on YouTube. care programmes. With many of its
businesses increase their networks franchises owned by black women,
and aggressively market their brands. “Marketing is an essential Sherpa Kids was runner-up in both
component of franchising,” notes the Leading Developer of Emerging
Established by former travel agency Entrepreneurs and Newcomer
entrepreneur Grant Brady in 2004, Car Franchisor of the Year categories in
Service City has more than 60 work- FASA’s recent competition. >>
shops countrywide. In addition to its
August–September 2016 strategicmarketing 17