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Serving a millennial market hungry for a fresh approach

RocoMamas, an American-style            there are no bindings in the mince      product, we started to develop a cult  PHOTOS: OLIVE PINK PHOTOGRAPHY, SUPPLIED
burger franchise founded in 2013,       – we use a special blend that I put     following and word-of-mouth has
has developed a niche following         together flavour-wise. We roll it in    boosted our growth. There’s a lot
based on a model which is ‘50%          balls and use a smash tool              of opportunity now for made-from-
craft and 50% franchise’, according     manufactured by an engineering          scratch fast food.”
to Brian Altriche. He knows the         company,” Altriche explained to
fast-food scene and is one of Spur’s    Business Day newspaper last year.         The brand strategy, he tells the
longest-standing franchisees.                                                   IMM Journal of Strategic Marketing,
                                          There are plans to grow the concept   is to under-promise and over-deliver.
  Vibrant, contemporary and hip,        from 40 stores to around 100 within     There is a strong emphasis on
the brand is particularly popular with  the next four years. Each store is      customer service and customer-
the 18-35 middle-class market, who      backed by a standard set of operating   centric marketing, not something
like to photograph their food and       procedures, operational assistance,     for which the fast-food market is
Instagram it. The vibe is all about a   supervision and management support,     best known.
trendy environment, rock music, craft   and access to bulk purchasing 
beers on tap, ribs, and customers       that comes with being part of a           Altriche says he monitors
building their own burgers according    franchise system.                       RocoMama’s highly active social
to taste. The open-plan kitchen that                                            media presence, and any complaints
lets people see their food being          “It’s a move into what Americans      are answered and resolved within
prepared is also a drawcard, as is the  call the ‘better burger’ market,” says  hours. “People are working more
‘smash’ meat process.                   Altriche. “I spent time developing      and have less time,” he notes. “There
                                        the concept. The name is catchy         is always opportunity for franchise
  “It’s honest food, so no processed    and people were inquisitive when        models that offer a great meal in
ingredients. It’s all from scratch,     we launched. Once they tasted the       an attractive environment.”

22 strategicmarketing August–September 2016
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