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Free bag wrapping a boon
for Gautrain’s airport travellers
Sandton bag wrapping service to the
one they get at the airport, not just
because it’s free, but also because of
the quality of the interaction with the
wrappers. “They really like it that we
are so friendly and we talk to them
before their trip,” she says. “They
like to bring their families to see
what we do when they travel again,
and they tell their friends to come to
us too.”
Gautrain says the service is so
popular that in future it may even
consider expanding it to other routes
with a high frequency of airport-
bound commuters, like Marlboro
station. To date, the service has
Gautrain has initiated are conveniently able to get their made good commercial sense on
a free bag wrapping luggage wrapped while waiting a number of levels. “The feedback
for the train. Bag wrapping may
we continue to receive via Twitter
service at its Sandton help protect luggage against theft and other means of communication
station, adding value and tampering and offers some is overwhelmingly positive,” says
protection against both the weather
Nayager. “Aside from the marketing
for customers using the and wear and tear incurred by we have done, word of mouth has
service to or Tambo handling. also been instrumental in creating
awareness of the service. The result
International airport. The service is handled by six is that more and more passengers
enthusiastic bag wrappers from are aware of the service and come
or harried travellers, the journey across Johannesburg, all of whom prepared to take advantage of it.”
to the airport can be stressful, were previously unemployed. More than 13 000 bags have been
with traffic and unexpected “Being able to create six new job wrapped since the launch in late
delays often causing a hassle. opportunities was another fantastic January 2018.
Gautrain’s marketing strategy has spin-off of the complementary
focused on the service’s ability bag wrap service,” says Gautrain Gautrain are assessing the demand
to reduce the stress of getting to spokesperson Kesagee Nayager. “In patterns and remain committed
the airport, highlighting the fact this way, not only do our customers to making the service work for all
that the Gautrain operates across benefit from this service, but so does stakeholders, staff operating the
the province’s busiest routes and our local community.” service, customers and the sponsor,
offers a safe, fast, and reliable MasterCard.
journey from Sandton to OR Tambo The bag wrappers, who work in
International Airport in around 15 teams of two per shift, say that the “It’s not often that consumers are
minutes. Providing a bag-wrapping service is growing in popularity. given anything for free without
service further increases Gautrain’s Whereas in the beginning, they some catch,” says Kirsten Wood of
ability to reduce the stress of travel, had to encourage passengers who Mastercard South Africa, Gautrain’s
particularly as the service is free. were skeptical of the “free” service, partner and sponsor of the initiative.
travellers are now queuing up for “We understand that travel can be
Most Gautrain trips to the airport their bag wrap. stressful and costly, so we wanted
start at Sandton station, so it makes to play an integral part in the
sense to offer the service here. Mbanjwa, an operator of the bag consumer journey.”
Moreover, providing the service at wrap service, explains that many
the station means that customers commuters say they prefer the
p34 - Strategic Marketing