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? Afrillennials want to buy local and Marketers should:
Black Twitter has support black businesses. They have ¦ Understand the role of social media,
opened doors for a strong affinity towards people who the influence of Black Twitter and
them to engage have started initiatives, have dreams how, as a force, Afrillennials engage,
and are moving their lives forward. It communicate and collaborate. They find
expressing it through music and fashion, is something that resonates because their own truth before accepting what is
using the Internet, including social they want to put money into authentic out there.
media, as an outlet,” the research says. brands and people who have stories,
dreams and visions just like they do. ¦ Content must be engaging and stand
The mindset of Afrillennials is to out in such a way that Millennials in
challenge the media in the way they A 2015 survey by research company general can recognise something they
are represented. They want stories of Ask Afrika revealed that South Africans see in themselves. If you are talking
success, achievement and dreaming are attracted to local brands. Forty about Afrillennials, there is a new
beyond what one sees every day. Their percent of Millennials said they preferred conversation happening. Engage them
conversations are not limited to race or local goods and would be willing to pay with relevant content in a way that
equality, but span a broad spectrum of more for South African products. This stands out and disrupts.
issues that affect them, or have been directly speaks to the Afrillennial way of
overlooked in the past. thinking, as they wait for more brands to ¦ Reflect what they want to see, and
jump on board and start seeing the world what they see in themselves. Portray
THINKING LOCAL the way they do. Are brands listening? them in real-life stories that show
While global Millennials are keen where they see themselves going and
consumers of international culture, MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES not what is imagined of them. Find that
influencer; that voice, that group that
What should marketers do to maximise emulates what this market is feeling
their opportunities among this and doing. If Afrillennials are about
target audience? It is not enough to change and rethinking, then find the
simply find out where Afrillennials people and projects that are aligned
communicate and how. Marketers need with those ideals.
to contribute towards their success too.
Look at where Afrillennials come
It is about celebrating the beauty, from: their struggles, family structures,
the heritage and what Afrillennials love dreams, ambitions and goals. Look
about themselves. It is their everyday at their stories and how they see the
stories that grab this group’s attention. world. Then align your brand messaging
Listen, watch and connect! There is a accordingly.
real voice coming through that is not
asking for permission to be heard; it is Resources:
a voice telling you what is going on and ¦ Student Village Youth Conference (2016).
how they think. ¦ SME South Africa: Local brands resonate strongly
with the SA consumer – survey (August 2015).
This is why influencer marketing works
so well with Afrillennials – because they Nandi Zambodla is
get to engage with a face that is aligned a Strategist at ad
with their aspirations. These are movers- agency FCB Cape
and-shakers who are running their own Town and has a
projects, aspiring to change the world special interest
and doing something different. in behavioural
economics and what
They have stepped out of the mould, drives consumers
challenged the conventional 9-5 world to make the decisions they do. She is
and told many others that it’s possible currently working on the accounts of
to dream and make a living. It is a large several major alcohol and FMCG brands.
collaborative voice that wants to grow
and help each other to succeed.
October 2016 – January 2017 strategicmarketing 23