Page 24 - index
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Your brand
and the
mind of the

Afrillennials are defined by a shift in
thinking, a strong sense of self-belief
and an ability to rise above often difficult
circumstances. Nandi Zambodla examines
a unique group of home-grown Millennials.

MILLENNIALS AS A GROUP                          South Africa’s Afrillennials are           most notably by opening doors for them    PHOTO: ISTOCKPHOTO
               are the most discussed         defined by a shift in thinking, a strong     to engage with each other. Black Twitter
               and analysed consumer          sense of self-belief and an ability to rise  is an example and on this platform
segment across the globe. They                above often difficult circumstances.         black people speak freely, express
dominate marketers’ conversations             They are unapologetic, outspoken,            opinions, share common jokes, culture,
because they have great buying power          daring, bold and want to be heard.           languages and experiences.
and, consequently, their every move
and spending habit is scrutinised.              Brands that seek to successfully             They engage with brands, celebrities
                                              interact with them must be part of           and organisations, and really see a
  Within this group are the Afrillennials     the conversation and engage in an            connected world. Being exposed to
(South African Black Millennials), who        authentic manner that doesn’t make           people’s successes, failures, dreams
face a different set of challenges to the     them seem like an outsider. Afrillennials    and achievements in real time has
global Millennial. These mostly stem          like a brand they recognise and which        allowed Afrillennials to see the type
from the so-called ‘black tax’ and the        understands their lives and interests.       of lives they want to achieve. They are
way it affects their lives.                                                                hungry to be heard, to succeed and
                                              BEING UNIQUE                                 for their families to succeed too.
  Many Afrillennials, once working, must      Like Millennials, Afrillennials are an
think about the families they have left       ambitious group; they are risk takers          Youth marketing specialist Student
behind in townships or rural areas and        and dreamers and they see a world of         Village conducted research during its
contribute to the running costs of these      possibility. In large part, this is due to   2016 youth conference, which indicated
homes – the payment of ‘black tax’.           being exposed to so much information         Afrillennials were not always as loud as
Unsurprisingly, this slows the process of     through the Internet and social media.       they are today on many topics.
starting to grow, save and progress like
other Millennials. This is but one factor       However, the digital revolution has          “Black Millennials have become
that differentiates Afrillennials from their  impacted Afrillennials in other ways too,    more conscious and proud, not only of
Millennial peers elsewhere.                                                                their skin but also their heritage – and

The question of what makes Afrillennials
unique lies in understanding, firstly, that
they are also Millennials and part of the
global 18-34 age group.

22 strategicmarketing October 2016 – January 2017
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