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?                                           on rent,” Grant tells the IMM Journal of      observes Schoeman. “Their attitude is
Medical aids tend                           Strategic Marketing. “They pay around         ‘what’s in it for me’?”
to dictate pricing                          R250m² compared with about R130m²
                                            paid by Clicks and R140m² to R200m²             His group has resorted to extensive
ensure the profitability of a pharmacy.     paid by Spar-affiliated pharmacies”           advertising and creating promotions to
“A pharmacy is a loss leader to draw                                                      bring customers into its stores. “We are
customers into the front shop,”               Former Springbok rugby player and           running a win-a-car competition,” says
reiterates Dave Faber, owner of the         owner of five Pretoria pharmacies,            Schoeman.” Spend a minimum of R150
franchised Ballito Dis-Chem Pharmacy        Hannes Strydom, sums up the plight            a month and you are in line to win.” It is
in KwaZulu-Natal.                           of private pharmacies. “I would rather        not a marketing approach he relishes. “I
                                            play 100 games against the All Blacks         never thought I would see the day when
  Echoing Faber’s sentiment, Schoeman       than try and survive in the pharmacy          we would have to give cars away to make
notes that, for a big retail chain, having  market,” he quips.                            customers happy,” he laments.
an in-store pharmacy is like the bread at
the back of a Spar store. It creates foot   CREATING SCALE                                  Grant believes the only real hope
traffic, but you have to make your profit   For Strydom and Schoeman, the scale           private pharmacists have is to throw
elsewhere in the store.                     created by owning more than one               in their lot with Spar Group, where
                                            pharmacy is an important factor in            he is now involved. He speaks from
  Making a profit from a pharmacy           the survival of their businesses.             experience as a veteran pharmacist of
has become virtually impossible, says                                                     25 years’ standing and owner of the
Schoeman. “Dispensing fees give you           “We have centralised our human              Sunningdale Pharmacy in Durban North.
a 14% to 17% gross profit margin,” he       resources, medical aid claims
says. “You are doomed if you think you      submission, stock ordering and                  “Pharmacists are good at what they
can survive on that.”                       administration at head office,”               are trained to do, but most have no idea
                                            notes Schoeman. “It cuts costs by             how to run a business,” he laments. “We
OVERHEADS AND                               eliminating duplication at store level        give our member pharmacies marketing
REGULATIONS                                 and frees the pharmacist to focus             training, access to higher-margin private
Grant puts a pharmacy’s overheads at        on customer service.”                         label products, and assist them with
about 21% to 22,5% of sales, which is                                                     stock control.”
particularly debilitating for the smaller     Schoeman has also been
industry players.                           instrumental in creating a single               Another focus of Spar Group’s efforts
                                            brand for private pharmacies in the           to assist pharmacists, says Grant, is
  One of the two biggest overheads          Port Elizabeth area. “We formed               to get high-turnover stock onto their
faced by a pharmacy is professional         Klinicare,” he says. “I hated having to       shelves, with especially high visibility
salaries. A shortage of qualified           give up our own brand but we needed           given to their top-selling lines.
pharmacists, in part driven by              a unified brand that would have a high
expansion of corporate pharmacies,          recognition level across the city.”             Spar Group’s partnership model
has driven up their monthly salaries                                                      shows signs of gaining traction. “I
to as high as R60 000, says Grant.          DIFFERENTIATION                               have been approached by Spar,” says
Qualified senior assistants earn            Schoeman is also striving to find             Port Elizabeth-based Schoeman. “I
between R15 000 and R25 000.                ways of differentiating his pharmacy          am seriously considering [this]. I know
                                            business. “You have to have a                 I must go with a group. There are
  Regulation also weighs heavily.           differentiator, but it is hard to find in an  weaknesses in our front shops they
“You must have one pharmacist               over-regulated industry,” he says. One        can help us overcome.”
for every three senior assistants,”         approach used by Schoeman is to drill
explains Schoeman, who employs              into his staff the need to build strong         Strydom is also on the verge of
20 pharmacists. “You cannot open a          relationships with customers. “We call        becoming a Spar Group convert. “I am
pharmacy’s doors without a pharmacist       our customers by name. But to build a         looking at options to survive,” he says.
being on duty.”                             relationship takes a long time.”              “Spar is one of them. They will give me the
                                                                                          buying power I need in the front shops.”
  The other big overhead is rentals.          It is also an era where relationships
“Independent pharmacies get nailed          are sometimes not enough.                       Could Spar’s entry into the retail
                                            “Consumers want more and more,”               pharmacy sector have introduced a new
                                                                                          dynamic that may put a dampener on
                                                                                          Clicks Group’s ambitious plans? Time
                                                                                          will tell.

                                            October 2016 – January 2017 strategicmarketing 17
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