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?claims in the knowledge that                 In 2008, the company paid a                  environmental practices or ‘green’
consumers may not easily be able            US$975 000 fine for violating the Clean        products – and they are financially
to assess the validity of their claims.     Air Act at one of its manufacturing plants     benefitting by being unethical.
                                            in Connecticut in the US. It has also
   Honesty is undoubtedly the best          paid substantial fines relating to a large       Fortunately, a growing number
policy in dealings with all stakeholders    number of unresolved asbestos lawsuits.        of shrewd business leaders have
and even ‘white’ lies are unacceptable,                                                    discovered that doing the right thing for
no matter how insignificant they may          The most famous recent example of            the environment actually does tend to
appear to be.                               a greenwasher being found out is that          increase profitability. It thus makes good
                                            of Volkswagen, which rigged 11-million         business sense for a company to reduce
   Greenwashing is an unethical             diesel engines with software that tricked      its environmental impact and seek ways
practice and creates of an illusion         emissions tests, allowing the cars to          to improve its products and processes.
of environmental sustainability that        spew out far more pollutants than
could have dire social consequences,        allowed. As the New York Times reported          What may well be beneficial is
as consumers will continue to use           in its October 17 2015 issue: “No matter       for businesses to move away from
products and support companies that         how hard Volkswagen works to resolve           green marketing to environmentally
further degrade the environment and         this crisis, the episode is likely to live on  sustainable marketing – in which there
reduce the quality of living conditions     in infamy as the latest and perhaps most       are metrics that are considered reliable
for future generations.                     egregious example of greenwashing.”            enough to convert environmental
                                                                                           commitment into real customer value.
BEING FOUND OUT                             SUBSTANTIATE CLAIMS
Can businesses who transgress be            Businesses need to substantiate                  The world’s resources are diminishing
found out? They certainly can, with one     all the claims they may be making              daily and companies must increasingly
such example being Pfizer, the world’s                                                     focus on operating ethically and
largest pharmaceutical company.             ?                                              sustainably. They also need to actively
According to Eco-Chick, a website that      Volkswagen is a                                fight the threat of climate change, which
promotes green fashion and beauty,          recent example                                 is catastrophic for sustainability.
the company has reportedly engaged          of greenwashing
in air and water pollution, disregarded                                                      If organisational governance is sound,
safety standards and experimented on        about ‘green’ products and services,           sustainability will take centre stage in
Nigerian children.                          ‘environmentally friendly’ goods and           the integrated reporting initiatives. Such
                                            ‘sustainable’ practices, since these           initiatives are based on recommendations
   The website also alleges that Pfizer     will be scrutinised by environmental           and also regulatory frameworks like the
has fought efforts to make HIV/AIDS         watchdogs, certification agencies,             Greenbury and Cadbury Reports (UK),
drugs more affordable and has refused       consumers and other organisations              Sarbanes-Oxley (USA) and the King III
to grant generic licenses for these         bent on exposing unethical practices.          and IV Reports (South Africa), all of which
drugs to be manufactured in Brazil,                                                        encourage organisations to produce
South Africa and other countries in           Remember, when a positive                    integrated reports that communicate
need of them.                               reputation is lost it becomes very             their strategy and performance to the
                                            difficult to regain.                           external audiences.
VW’s diesel emissions greenwashing scandal
evoked global outrage                         I am not suggesting that all                                             Angelo Nicolaides
                                            companies which claim to be ‘green’                                        is a Professor of
                                            are lying to increase their bottom                                         Business Ethics
                                            lines. There are many which truly care                                     and also teaches
                                            about the environment and global                                           Stakeholder
                                            sustainability. However, there are others                                  Management and
                                            that purposefully mislead consumers                                        Governance at the
                                            about the supposed benefits of their                                       University of South
                                                                                               Africa Graduate School of Business
                                                                                               Leadership. He is a member of various
                                                                                               bodies such as the International Institute
                                                                                               of Public Ethics (Australia), EthicsSA and
                                                                                               the International Association of Ethics
                                                                                               Education (USA).

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