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The middle class
in emerging
markets: ordinary
or extraordinary?

There have been ongoing debates about the size and shape
of the emerging global middle class, whether in Africa or
elsewhere. Kerry Chipp examines new international research
from Turkey that provides useful insights into the attitudes of
South Africa’s emerging middle-class consumers.

          gained prominence post-World
          War II and the term ‘new             Middle-class shoppers in Istanbul, Turkey  economies witnessed a gradual
middle class’ was first used in 1951 by                                                   emergence of a middle class, which
sociologist C. Wright Mills. Twinned with  about who defines what is normal and           has now become the dominant class
its conception were picket fences, two-    how they balance this with the reality         in the 34 Organisation for Economic
child families and the American dream.     of living in unequal societies. Deeply         Cooperation and Development (OECD)
This group represented what was called     rooted in the author’s approach is an          developed countries.
the ‘democratisation of prosperity’ by     acknowledgement of the structural
‘non-manual wage-earning technical         transformation that dominates these              But this is not the case in emerging
and managerial workers’.                   countries and how it impacts consumers         markets, where the middle class is
                                           who are socially mobile.                       small in number and often comprises
  But, 65 years later, we require new                                                     individuals who have achieved a
ways to understand the emerging            THE KEY CONCEPTS                               higher social standing than their
middle class of 2016 and their 21st-       Kravets and Sandikci recognise                 parents. Not surprisingly, the new
century values and dreams, particularly    that research on the middle class in           class value meritocracy, achievement,
in the context of South Africa.            dynamic emerging markets reflects              self-reliance and adaptability – which
                                           the difference between this consumer           rise from the fast-track economic and
BEYOND ASPIRATION                          group and its counterpart in the               political restructuring present in many
While we can debate the size of the new    developed world due to the rapidity of         countries, South Africa included.
global middle class, it is undeniable      its formation. In contrast, developed
that it plays a powerful role in shaping
all consumer demand within emerging
markets. The middle class often deter-
mine what is ‘proper’ or a ‘must have’.

  In a recent paper published in the
US-based Journal of Marketing, authors
Olga Kravets and Ozlem Sandikci
studied what it is to be middle class
in Turkey. Their paper is more than
a question of aspiration; rather, it is

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