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market middle class saw themselves           for local products within this consumer     brands can facilitate and signal the self               PHOTO: GETTY/GALLO IMAGES
as a collection of assets “that must         group, which has embraced the success       as a continuous improvement project.
be continually invested in, nurtured,        of world-class Turkish designers.
managed and developed”. Personal                                                           Being i-Average is about emphasising
development and knowledge are highly           At the same time, there is a sense of     brand heritage, trustworthiness
prized. Clothes, correspondingly, must       exclusion based on price and product        and being the category’s standard.
signal personal strengths and make           availability. Local stores stocking         Consequently, even luxury brands should
an individual stand out from their           expensive global brands, for example,       aim to be the typical choice within a
peers. The self is a constant self-          are often seen as rip offs. There is also   category. Such positioning conveys both
improvement project.                         a question as to whether global brands      distinction and social group membership
                                             stocked by local stores are authentic or    at the same time.
¦ i-Average. While individuals desire to     not. A similar controversy raged in South
stand out, there is temperance: they         Africa some years ago when Polo SA was        A desire to be an (un)Confident
should not stand out too much. They          discovered not to be the same as global     Cosmopolitan also has implications
are constrained by social and cultural       fashion brand Polo Ralph Lauren.            for brand positioning, as its members
norms, so they should not be too                                                         are part of a world-class global group
distinct. The self is to be benchmarked        So, despite a feeling of being part of    that is resident in no particular
with others who are perceived as             a global world and being able to travel     locale. Thus, brands should speak to
similar in order to signal solidarity with   extensively, feelings of exclusion and      this rather than a particular country
the new middle.                              difference among the Turkish middle         of origin. Understanding the role
                                             class persist.                              of cosmopolitanism also means
  In clothing, this means consuming                                                      scrupulously ensuring that offerings
clothes that are acknowledged as             CONCLUSIONS                                 across geographies are similar, both
                                                                                         in terms of pricing and launch times.
?                                            The middle class in the developed world
The middle class                             has latterly become associated with the       Perceptions of difference between
shapes demand in                             notion of ‘escape’ – escaping suburbia      global branding and local execution
emerging markets                             and docile consumerism. However,            enhance feelings of exclusion and
                                             what the new emerging middle class          alienation. The authenticity of locally
‘proper’ by their referent group. Outfits    in dynamic markets seeks is to be           available brands is then called into
and clothing ensembles are shared on         ‘competently ordinary’. Many come from      question and they are equated with the
social media for group ‘likes’. Moreover,    poverty and an environment where there      pirated copies often abundantly available.
respondents were aware of being              are no clear rules and procedures.
appropriate for the corporate world –                                                      Although this study was done in Turkey,
where you may stand out, but never             To be ‘ordinary’, therefore, is to have   it has important implications when it
outlandishly so.                             rules in a fast-changing environment;       comes to understanding emerging middle
                                             to have stability where there has been      class consumers across many markets,
¦ (un)Confident Cosmopolitan. Many           little. To be ‘ordinary’ is to create a     South Africa included.
in the new middle class either grew          sense of unity with social peers and
up in scarcity and austerity, or are         demonstrate that they are successful        Reference
intensely aware of its proximity in their    participants in a transforming society.     Kravets, O., & Sandikci, O. (2014). Competently
country. They often wish to disassociate                                                 ordinary: New middle class consumers in the
themselves with the brands of poverty          Turkish consumers do not want to          emerging markets. Journal of Marketing 78, (July),
and align themselves with a global           be marked as “backward, lacking in          125–140. doi:
middle class. This, as the authors put it,   competence, unmarketable” which is
“does not refer to a specific place, but to  the alternative. Consequently, they follow                              Kerry Chipp is a senior
a wider imagination”. There is also room     shared rules, consume similar sets of                                   lecturer at the University
                                             local and global brands and want to                                     of Pretoria’s Gordon
                                             demonstrate alignment with the ‘middle’.                                Institute of Business
                                                                                                                     Science (GIBS), where
                                               As a result, marketers should heed                                    she supervises on
                                             the implications of the three ‘selves’                                  and oversees the MBA
                                             described by Kravets and Sandikci.                                      research process.
                                                                                             She publishes in the area of consumer
                                               Best Self Inc should be considered            behaviour in dynamic markets, with
                                             in terms of how products, services and          particular interest in emerging consumers.

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