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these loops, you need to provide              selling medical cover, says Ried. The      The Foschini Group recently used an online?
interactions that engage users, give          company uses gamification well by          game called Super Stan to help promote
them ways of expressing themselves            engaging its clients, and encouraging      an online sale. Nintendo’s hugely popular                                                                          PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
and progressing through the game, and         and rewarding them for modifying           Super Mario Bros inspired the game
then reward them appropriately. There         behaviour by constantly advancing the
are many different ways to achieve            game, based on clients’ performance.      DEFINITION OF
this. Relevant techniques depend on                                                     GAMIFICATION
a company’s target market, objectives           The results speak for themselves.
and the anticipated customer behaviour        Discovery Health has reduced the cost     The Oxford English Dictionary
and response.”                                of premiums and increased the rate        defines gamification as follows:
                                              that members exercise by an average       “The application of typical
  Opportunities for marketing, notes Ried,    of more than 25% since September          elements of game playing (e.g.
are lost when gamification is limited to      2015 by using various gamification        point scoring, competition with
convincing customers to follow a static set   techniques. The initiative allows         others, rules of play) to other
of rules. The technique is most effective     members to set their own goals for a      areas of activity, typically as an
when it targets and captures the attention                                              online marketing technique to
of customers who respond instinctively        ?                                         encourage engagement with a
and enthusiastically, and who can quickly     It is most effective if                   product or service.”
grasp the procedures required and             applied as a process
engage with the game. The problem is                                                    IN-GAME ADS ARE
that the most responsive and potentially      given period. On achieving these they     SHOWING GROWTH
lucrative gamers are also generally the       can access certain rewards, such as
ones who quickly become accustomed            a free smoothie or coffee, or they can    Online gaming has never been more
to games and grow bored.                      opt to donate their points to a charity   popular and an increasing number
                                              of their choice.                          of brands are considering in-game
  “With this in mind, it is imperative                                                  advertising –the practice of inserting
that a gamified system evolves with its         The future of gamification for          advertisements in games – as part
users through heavy use of analytics          marketers, says Van den Berg, will        of their media spend.
and iterative (continual process)             not be centred on ‘flashy’ campaigns,
improvements,” says Ried. “It’s about         but rather on building narratives that      The touted benefits of in-game
challenging the status quo at every turn      weave though various elements and         advertising are that advertising
and then gaining new insights, which can      mediums of marketing – and which          efficiency is improved because most
be used to both improve a company’s           feature evolving, customised challenges   play experiences are enjoyable;
understanding of its customers and            and encourage ongoing engagement          products and services can be
continually challenge gamers to keep          with individuals.                         promoted in context; ad exposure
them engaged and to keep modifying                                                      to players can be very long and
their behaviour as required. I think it’s at    “The more companies learn about         reiterated many times; and players
this point where South African companies      their customers and the psychology        are focused and engaged because
fall behind – often because of a fear of      of their behaviour in relation to things  research shows that few gamers
the unknown.”                                 like augmented and virtual reality,       multitask when playing.
                                              so they will be able to apply the tools
WHO IS GETTING IT RIGHT?                      of gamification more effectively and
                                              realise its full potential,” he says.
That’s not to say local businesses are not    “Consider for example, the incredible
getting it right. Van den Berg and Ried       momentum of Pokémon Go in terms of
concur that medical insurer Discovery         engagement, numbers and excitement.
Health is among those leading the way         Some might say it has demonstrated
for gamification in the country, through its  the potential of gaming and this is
‘sustained and progressive’ Vitality Active   scaring the pants off the business
Rewards programme.                            world – like Facebook once did.”

  What Discovery has achieved through
gamification is a great deal more than

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