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Professional services firms such as Deloitte, KPMG and EY have done a good job in building a thought leadership presence on LinkedIn

and to assist clients to take part as a    Years ago we dubbed LinkedIn ‘the HR        ?
way to build their profiles. Corporate     manager’ and ‘recruitment company           Professionals value
pages sharing quality content about        social network’ as it seemed to only be     LinkedIn more than
the company, as well as interesting        used by head-hunters. Now we see the        the other platforms
articles relating to the industry, get     platform has transitioned to do what it
decent interaction,” says Smith. “We try   intended, which is be a social network      they’ve made it a lot more user friendly.”
adding a call-to-action to most posts.     for professionals.”                         While the free version is for everyone, he
For example, if we post a new product                                                  says the real value is in LinkedIn’s paid-
feature we will have a call-to-action        He continues: “We recently ran a          for premium products and profiles.
which will lead them to a Web link.”       survey for South African business
                                           professionals and the majority came            Saunders believes LinkedIn remains
  However, Saunders notes that it’s        back saying they receive the most           an important platform, especially in
impossible for a company to simply         amount of value out of LinkedIn, versus     Africa where finding the right people to
outsource its brand-building on            any other social network. We see a lot      connect with and do business with can
LinkedIn to a digital agency. In order to  of professionals interacting in interest    be challenging. However, it is critical that
effectively use the platform, he believes  groups and sharing knowledge and            South African companies begin to broaden
it’s important to embrace the platform     personal experience among each other.”      their understanding of the platform.
throughout the company. “LinkedIn is
about business and about sales. So           The statistics seem to back this up,         Smith agrees. “You never hear of
your [director] of sales needs to adopt    says Smith. A 2015 study by specialist      companies driving people to follow their
LinkedIn; your head of recruitment         agency Internet Marketing Inc in the US     LinkedIn page,” he bemoans.
needs to adopt it, your sales managers     noted that LinkedIn redirects four times
and marketing chiefs. This is also why     as many users to company home pages                      IMM Journal of
it is hard to find case studies of brands  as Facebook and Twitter. The platform                    Strategic Marketing
immersing themselves in the potential      also generates the highest visitor-to-lead               Magazine
of the platform.”                          conversion rate (2,74%), which is about
                                           three times that of Facebook and Twitter.                @strategicmarketing-
  Smith observes that his agency’s                                                                  magazine
clients are becoming more interested         Saunders adds that he, too, finds
in marketing their services on LinkedIn.   the volume of people who are active
“We’ve noticed – particularly this year    on LinkedIn is growing. “A lot of that
– that the pages we manage receive a       has to do with the recent updates to
much higher interaction than before.       the LinkedIn App … they have made
                                           it easier to connect with people and

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