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device in their pocket, which means they    Crafters Guild and Managing Director of           An example of gamification used
can quickly and easily download games,”     Passion4Development, a company that             effectively as a short-term marketing
says Jason Ried, Managing Director          works in the gamification space – is that       strategy – but lacking sustainability –
of George-based Fuzzy Logic. The            there is limited awareness of the full          is Coke Zero’s 007 campaign, which
company is an augmented reality,            potential of gaming as a marketing tool         challenged and filmed consumers
apps and games developer.                   in this country. The prevailing perception      overcoming their own ‘007 missions’ at
                                            among marketers and their agencies is           the Central Railway Station in Antwerp,
  Playing games has long been a             that gamification centres only on product       Belgium to win tickets to the Bond film,
popular way to unwind, combat stress        launches which are fun and innovative,          Skyfall. The viral effect of the video
and keep your brain active. The benefit of  but that it doesn’t facilitate effective long-  was impressive, with 7,1-million views
technology is that it has vastly increased  term marketing strategies.                      achieved on YouTube. But, observes Van
people’s choice and access to games.                                                        den Berg, the strategy lacked momentum
Moreover, most games are free and are       ?                                               and fizzled out after two days.
frequently interesting and fun.             More social media
                                            usage encourages                                  “Two of the best examples of more
  The best ones reward gamers’ efforts      more gamification                               progressive, sustainable gamification are
and offer varying levels of play that                                                       The Speed Camera Lottery of The Fun
keep people engaged and motivated             This, says Van den Berg, undermines           Theory (which challenges motorists to
for long periods of time. Gamification      what gamification can do, which                 stay within the speed limit and rewards
also satisfies the increasing yen among     includes “achieving sustained                   them with money amassed by fining
consumers – particularly Millennials        behaviour change through feedback,              others who exceed it) and GeoCaching
– for new experiences rather than           friends and fun”.                               (an Internet and GPS-based treasure
consuming products and services.                                                            hunt that inspires physical activity
                                              He believes gamification is seen              and travel),” he says. “They are hugely
WHAT’S HOLDING SA BACK?                     by many as a short term, ‘in and out’           powerful and, importantly, engaging and
But, while the concept of gamification      concept. “As such, many miss out on             sustainable in the long term.”
is pervasive and many companies and         the technique’s potential as a longer-
their agencies have begun dabbling in       term process that needs to follow what            Fuzzy Logic’s Ried agrees that
the technique as an alternative to other    we call the ‘psychology of flow’ – where        gamification is most effective when
forms of consumer engagement, only          the measure of success involves                 applied as a process, rather than
a few South African marketers seem          increased and sustained engagement              as a short, tactical campaign.
to have implemented effective game-         to change behaviour.”
focused campaigns thus far.                                                                   “Creating a gamified system is about
                                                                                            designing and implementing game loops,
  One of the problems, says Darryn                                                          which cater for short-term interaction,
van den Berg – founder of the                                                               medium-term achievements and longer
Johannesburg-based Gamification                                                             term engagement,” he says. “Within >>


                                                                Jason Ried of Fuzzy Logic … Gamers
                                                                must be continually engaged in
                                                                order to modify their behaviour

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