Page 45 - Strategic Marketing Complete
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areas and the vast expanse of SSA, are 46 cities spread across 12 localised, agile and in-tune with
companies need to be prepared to countries with more than 1-million consumers.
deliver to consumers in different inhabitants. 28 of these cities will
ways. each add another half a million age demographics
people by 2025. Over half of these Many developed markets worldwide
12 countries account for 69% of cities are concentrated in just two face diminishing workforces and
the SSA population.
countries (17 in Nigeria, 7 in DRC), slowing growth due to ageing
By 2025, six countries will have but country homogeneity does not populations, resulting in a significant
urban concentrations of more naturally mean that these 24 cities change in the products and retailing
than 10-million people (Nigeria, are the most straightforward or experiences required. Conversely,
Cameroon, the Democratic viable for growth. Corporates must Africa will continue to have the
Republic of Congo (DRC), assess the attraction of individual youngest population globally (47%
Angola, Tanzania, and South cities relative to how they can action younger than 20 years old), with
Africa). these prospects via their operational evolving consumer needs near
structures and product portfolios, to the opposite end of the spectrum.
Five countries will experience meet consumers’ needs. Innovation cues from developing
growth ahead of 50% (Nigeria, markets will be less relevant for
Angola, Uganda, Tanzania, and The implications for urban society Africa’s youth. The Africa youth
Zambia). Four countries will see and industry are immense. Beyond conundrum is complex: whilst
absolute increases of more than the constraints of congestion and this group is largely economically
4-million people (Nigeria, the infrastructure – where we will inactive at present, companies need
DRC, Tanzania, and Angola).
continue to see advancement in to engage and invest in them today
Three countries, Nigeria, Angola spatial planning, roads, construction, to unlock future consumption.
and Tanzania, feature across all amenities, jobs, technology and
three criteria – size, speed and formalised retailing – some of Technology to facilitate experiences
absolute change. the most influential change will and encounters in this demographic
be the shift in economic density. will be crucial. The good news is
This may mean making tough From this will come an ‘opening’ that digital usage is as evolved
choices on where and how to focus of trade beyond country borders, (sometimes more so) than other
and prioritise. Additional factors accompanied by the easing of trade developed markets; penetration
will need to be incorporated into restrictions to bolster collaboration. and utility are rapidly following.
planning, to fully assess the ability This will manifest in improved living Stemming from the broader
to unlock potential. conditions and shifting consumption external exposure now facilitated
choices. For industry, this provides by technology, there will be a
big cities massive, scalable potential, with the shift from traditional to more
Narrowing this down further, there right products – those which are contemporary and aspirational
Strategic Marketing - p43