Page 15 - Strategic Marketing Complete
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winner rankings 2017/2018
reliability. It is about innovatively about whether a disruptive brand and heed their call for loyal and
combining many strategic elements strategy is appropriate. trustworthy leadership.
and touchpoints to work together,
creating a memorable brand advice for marketers Loyal brand consumption (or lack
experience that is relevant to its The overall takeaway for marketers thereof) can inform meaningful
target audience on a deep emotional is: don’t raise your voice – rather marketing campaigns through
level. improve your message. Don’t create integrated media strategies that
Don’t create chaos with different marketing messages
and disrupt for the sake of it.
Brand owners want loyal consumers, chaos with different marketing drive relevant product/brand
yet they often target non-loyalists messages and disrupt for the sake strategies to different target markets.
with disruptive marketing strategies. of it. Innovation needs to be linked This can also inform marketers
The psychographic profile of to scalability. Decide on who you about whether a disruptive brand
loyalists makes them seem boring, are in terms of brand personality, strategy is appropriate.
with traditional life values, while then think about purpose and
non-loyalists appear exciting, with sustainability. Educate consumers
utopian life values. Marketers aspire
to reach non-loyalists because they
can craft a more “attractive” brand aria Petousis, Executive:
personality when aligned with these Target Group Index (TGI)
attitudes, yet it is the loyalists who at Ask Afrika, drives the
actually buy and use the brand. Icon Brands consumer benchmark
Icon Brands exist precisely because survey. TGI is the industry standard
of loyalists. There is a disconnect for strategic brand planning and
that needs to be considered when Maria delivers value to South
crafting a marketing strategy. Africa’s top 50 advertisers through
Loyal brand consumption (or lack client-specific, powerfully-
thereof) can inform meaningful packaged, user-friendly annual
marketing campaigns through TGI subscriptions and customised
integrated media strategies that reports.
drive relevant product/brand
strategies to different target markets.
This can also inform marketers
Strategic Marketing - p13