Page 10 - Strategic Marketing Complete
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           Throw out the textbook

                                             the country’s demographics and key   people about albinism and what it is
                                             insights grounds a strong marketing   like to live with a genetic condition.
                                             strategy. At Dicomm McCann, we    As a result of the campaign, other
                                             believe in understanding the bottom   brands joined the initiative,
                                             of the pyramid (BOP) market first,   including local companies that
                                             because this makes up the greatest   manufacture sunscreen lotions,
                                             number of consumers – although    resulting in the price of the lotions
                                             the BOP also poses a risk due to   falling substantially.
                                             their low disposable income. By
                                             understanding this demographic,   Another successful campaign
                                             their plights and how they engage   centred on Unilever’s Shield Chelsea
                                             with a brand, we can draw insights   partnership, identifying the next
                                             that influence our strategy, one that   football talent to go and play in
                                             is not prescribed but birthed from   the UK. This saw us partnering with
                                             the experiential market research   local teams and global agents: the
                                             conducted.                        sheer tenacity it takes to organise
                                                                               a countrywide scouting camp has
              ach country is unique, and if   When I think of some of our most   been both tremendous and taxing.
              a brand is looking to enter    successful recent campaigns,      It’s a campaign laden with hope that
              Zimbabwe, it’s important that   Zimplats’ “Friends with Albinism”   culminates in changing someone’s
           they quickly understand that their   campaign comes to mind, as this   life. Everywhere we’ve gone, people
           customers take a lot of pride in their   caught both the government’s   exposed to the campaign via radio,
           identity and culture, writes Charles   attention and that of the    print and digital are showing strong
           Mutemera.                         international community.          brand affinity towards Shield.

                         it’s a campaign laden with hope that culminates

                                  in  changing someone’s life.

           The advent of technology has given   People living with albinism are one   Shield’s tag line is “It won’t let you
           us eyes and ears we did not have,   of the most vulnerable groups in   down”, and with this partnership it
           and has connected us in many      Zimbabwe. In line with Zimplats’   has indeed stood for what it believes
           ways that reinforce our identity.   values (We Respect, We Care,    in.
           Zimbabweans are empowered         We Deliver), we developed a
           and educated to a fault, so it is   360-degree campaign to demystify       harles Mutemera is
           disappointing to see brands coming   the myths around albinism and         Managing Director of
           in with a generic approach, simply   thereby change the narrative          Dicomm McCann and
           maintaining their global strategy   around the subject in a sustainable   TotalMedia UM. He holds
           rather than tailoring this with a   way. Dubbed “Beyond this skin”,   an MBA from the University
           localised message. Knowing your   the campaign was inspired by the    of Zimbabwe, an IMM BBA
           stakeholder is critical to unlocking   common prayer that goes, “God   Marketing Degree, an IMM
           the revenue that will drive a     grant me the serenity to accept the   Diploma, Associate Banker
           business forward.                 things that I cannot change; courage   (AIOBZ) and Diploma
                                             to change the things I can, and the
           Zimbabwe is a very volatile market   wisdom to know the difference.” It   in Strategic Business
                                                                                 Management from Sweden
           where textbook strategies don’t   encouraged people to “see beyond    (SIDA).
           usually work. Instead, understanding   this skin” and sought to inform

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