Page 6 - Strategic Marketing Complete
P. 6


           Social media is coming

           under scrutiny, both locally

           and abroad.

           Sa industry bodies                                                  The draft Advertising Code of
                                                   relevant collective of South
           have announced a                        African industry bodies and   Practice Social Media guidelines is
                                                                               an industry first.
                                                    stakeholders, are drafting
           draft advertising                 an Advertising Code of Practice
           code of practice                  containing social media guidelines.   UK broadcasters call for social
                                                                               media watchdog
                                             The draft document will be officially
           for social media.                 announced at the Social Media     Representatives from British
           The South african                 Landscape Briefings, which will take   broadcasters including the BBC,
                                                                               Channel 4, ITV, and Sky have called
                                             place in JHB and Cape Town during
           marketing industry                October, after which there will be   for independent scrutiny of the
                                                                               decisions taken at internet and social
           and consumers will                a defined consultation period and   media companies.
                                             date for formal adoption.
           soon benefit from this                                              Signatories including Tony Hall,
           clear code of conduct             Paula Hulley, CEO of the IAB SA   Director General of the BBC; Jeremy
                                             says, “This code of conduct will fulfil
           regarding the use                 our objective to put the customer   Darroch, Chief Executive of Sky; ITV
                                                                               Head Carolyn McCall and Channel
           of social media to                first, and to support a transparent   4 Chief Alex Mahon, among others,
                                             and trustworthy digital supply chain
           advertise products and            in South Africa. By adhering to these   wrote a letter to The Telegraph,
                                                                               which stated, “We do not think it is
           services.                         guidelines, our members will create   realistic or appropriate to expect
                                             meaningful relationships with their   internet and social media companies
                                             audiences, where consumers trust   to make all the judgement calls
                                             that all paid social media marketing   about what content is and is not
                                             targeted towards them is respectful
                                                                               acceptable, without any independent
                                             and ethical.”                     oversight.”

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