Page 3 - Strategic Marketing Complete
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           COVER STORIE S
           14 A mArketer mAking wAves        07 letter frOm lOnDOn                kambuni of Bean interactive. they
             As head honcho of boutique         tales of working in another city,   are like no other audience around
             brand marketing communications     by Dr thOmAs OOsthuiZen.          the world, and brands need to
             consultancy Orchard On 25, Jay                                       be creating solutions to their
             Badza has been making quite a                                        problems to keep them engaged,
             name for himself in the marketing   08 ZimBABwe insiDer              he reveals to lisA JOhnstOn.
             world. this is in part due to his   throw out the textbook,
             willingness to take bold, but      by ChArles mutemerA.
             calculated, risks.                                                 46 hOw sChOOls mArket
                                             12 tO DisruPt Or nOt tO
           16 meet the CmO                      DisruPt?                          every institution is a business
             Nedbank chief marketing officer    while disruption can bring new    whether they realise it or
             khensani nobanda is a big fan                                        not; even schools. the rise of
             of innovative strategies to get    life to a brand, or increased     independent high-cost and
             brands noticed, and touts digital   exposure, it needs to be done in   low-cost educational institutions
             as a game changer. she chats with   the right way. mAriA PetOusis    has necessitated a shift in the
             mike simPsOn.                      argues that disrupting for the    way schools are marketed. By
                                                sake of it, is pointless.         AnDreA vinAssA.
           21 the Art Of influenCe
             Influencer marketing is a       25 grOwth hACking                  50 CreAting sustAinABle
             buzzword in the industry at        simPlifieD                        relAtiOnshiPs with
             present, with seemingly every      looking to grow your brand?       Clients
             marketer looking to tap into its   then it’s crucial that you keep an   relationships are the key
             potential. BrittA reiD explores    eye on the data, writes miChAel   differentiator in the 21st century
             how it should be utilised to       wAlker.                           and brands failing to respond to
             maximise its potential, as well as                                   this will ultimately succumb, write
             the don’ts.                     26 whAt i’ve leArnt                  mAri JAnsen vAn rensBurg
                                                Joe Public founder PePe mArAis    and AngelO niCOlAiDes.
           36 integrAting                       urges brands to find a purpose
             merChAnDising AnD the              for their business, beyond simply
             suPPly ChAin                       money. unlocking this will lead to   REGULARS
             the seamless distribution of       true value.
             products goes hand in hand with                                    02 eDitOr’s letter
             merchandising, and yet many
             brands keep these two areas     28 APPle: A life-ChAnging          IMM GraDUaTE SCHool
             siloed. glenDA nevill explains     BrAnD                           10 BursAries fOr stuDents
             why they should be brought         if there’s one brand that has
             together.                          made all the right moves since    ipsos sA has joined forces with
                                                its inception, it’s tech giant Apple.   the imm graduate school, to
           42 whAt’s next in AfriCA             it recently passed the $1-trillion   provide partial funding to 17
             stArts nOw                         market capitalisation mark.       female students so they can excel
             keeping up with the accelerated    Jeremy sAmPsOn details its        at their studies.
             pace of change taking place on     meteoric rise and the takeaway
             the African continent is essential   lessons for marketers.        11 mArketing friDAys
             for brands. many factors need to                                     since the imm graduate school
             be considered in this complex,   32 the CritiCAl neeD tO             partnered with marketing fridays,
             ever-changing landscape. By        imPrOve sA’s lOgistiCs            the monthly, interactive sessions
             AilsA wingfielD.                                                     (which include a keynote and
                                                A major element hampering
                                                south Africa’s growth and         networking opportunities with
                                                development is shoddy logistics.   like-minded marketers) have
           FEATURES                             Beverley wAugh and myles          become even more useful and
                                                wAkehAm unpack the problems,      insightful.
           Global wrap                          possible solutions and the
           04 sOCiAl meDiA                      importance of this field.       52 mArketing mOment
             under scrutiny globally.                                             get rid of all the marketing
                                             40 Delving intO the AfriCAn          buzzwords that don’t actually
           06 letter frOm AmeriCA               truth                             mean anything and just waste
             The end of influencer’s influence,   the African audience is a       time, and simply get down to
             by miChAel gOlDmAn.                “peculiar” one, says Allen        business, emphasises AnDy riCe.

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