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Journal of

        MARKETING                                   EDITOR’S LETTER


                EDITOR  Natalie Watermeyer              he Journal of Strategic Marketing is evolving, with a new
                       look and feel and a different approach to content. This is
                                                        designed to inspire IMM Graduate School alumni and anyone
                                                    specifically interested in the issues surrounding marketing,
            DESIGN AND   Darren Rosenberg           business and the supply chain.
                                                    We’ve set out to inform young marketers entering the industry and
               PROjEcT  Michelle Pretorius          established experts alike, with information on varied approaches
                                                    to marketing; the latest research to come out of leading research
                                                    firms; and insight from those who have successfully navigated the
           ADvERTISING   Barbara Spence             marketing landscape. And because marketing is all about people,
                 SALES  Avenue Advertising          we’ve interviewed some of the inspiring characters making their
                                                    mark on the local and global scene.
             PUBLISHER  Sandra Gordon
                   Meet the CMo
                                                    In this issue, meet Khensani Nobanda, Group Executive for
                                                    Marketing and Corporate Affairs at Nedbank. First and foremost,
                                                    marketers in the banking industry need to address the gap between
                                                    expectation and reality, she says; it’s critical that banks live their
                                                    brand positioning, as this gap is the biggest reason that banks tend
                                                    to be mistrusted by consumers.

                                                    Trust is an issue that is increasingly coming to the fore, whether
                                                    it be with regards to the use of personal information collected
                             online; the quality of content being shared on social media and
                                                    the credibility of the media as a whole; or the ability of a brand to
                                                    deliver on its promises.
                 cHIEF   Charmaine du Plessis
               OFFIcER                              Trust is one of the reasons that consumers turn to influencers for
                                                    advice when solving problems, choosing products, or seeking out
                                                    new experiences. As Jeanne du Plessis, Communications Lead at
             EXEcUTIvE   Angela Bruwer              Procter & Gamble, Southern Africa notes on page 21, paradoxically,
             AcADEMIc        “the more reach an influencer has, the less influence they directly
                                                    have on decision making” – because successful influencer
                                                    marketing is not just about numbers, it’s about credibility and
           Journal of Strategic Marketing is published quarterly and
           distributed to a data base of IMM Graduate School Alumni,   authenticity.
           leading marketers and business people in South Africa and
                                                    building brands
           Should you wish to lift and material from the publication   When it comes to building brands, few companies have been as
           please liaise with the Publisher beforehand  successful as Apple. On page 28 Jeremy Sampson, Executive
                                                    Director of Brand Finance Africa, considers just how Apple has
                IMM Graduate School                 managed to make itself the market leader that it is today.
                IMM Graduate School
                @IMM_GSM                            So, there’s plenty to think about in this issue. Going forward, we’ll be
                                                    publishing two print issues and two digizines of Strategic Marketing
                                                    annually, with both of the print issues also appearing online, to
                                                    ensure that the magazine is easily available to readers across
           Although every effort is made to ensure that the contents   Africa.
           of this publication are accurate and legitimate no guarantee
           is given. Views and opinions expressed, made or implied
           are those of the authors unless clearly stated as being the   Feedback
           Publisher’s. The responsibility lies with readers to verify any   To all IMM alumni – and other readers – we want to hear from you!
           representations, claims and offers made by advertisers in
           advertisements that appear in this publication. Any objections   If you have feedback, articles you’re interested in submitting, or
           or claims should be referred to the advertiser concerned. The   suggestions regarding content, let us know by sending an email
           publishers, owners, staff, distributors and associates of this   to the IMM Graduate School’s CMO, Charmaine du Plessis at
           publication will not be liable in any way for claims arising
           from its contents.             

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