Page 9 - Strategic Marketing Complete
P. 9



           from london

           Tales of working in another city

                                             products in physical retail outlets   For me, one of the most important
                                             before they buy online.           aspects of moving to London
                                                                               was that I immediately felt part
                                             The result of this is, that marketing   of a “bigger global world”. The
                                             is now dominated by online and    pace is much faster here than
                                             consumer decision journeys, user   in Johannesburg. The marketing
                                             experience design, marketing      industry is huge, and building a
                                             technology and the alignment      network is therefore hard.  And,
                                             of brand touchpoints. Hence       while you may be good at what
                                             competence in these areas is      you do, you are always aware that
                                             not an extra any more – it is a   many people are better than you.
                                             requirement. There is a debate    Supply in marketing is greater than
                                             as to whether classical marketing   demand, unless you are highly
                                             channels such as television will   specialised in certain technological
                                             survive, with subscription services   areas.

                 nline and digital technology            in marketing jobs, technology
                 play a huge role in the UK.
                 This is probably the single          now plays a central role.
           biggest differentiator to get used
           to when one moves here. From
           finding someone to mow the lawn,   like Netflix and Amazon Prime now
           to making a restaurant reservation,   even entering the live sports arena.   I find South Africa and the US more
           finding a dog walker, or getting   Hence, entertainment and news have   open to new ideas than Europe,
           someone to take your dog to the vet   become very demand-driven.    where an attitude of “we are the old
           – there is an online application for it,                            world, we’ve done and seen it all
           and people use it.                                                  before” persists at senior levels.
                                             In marketing jobs, technology
           Amazon is omni-present and when   now plays a central role. Even    I believe it will shortly be almost
           you run out of something as simple   where companies are still totally   imperative for anyone to have lived
           and small as two batteries, you buy   committed to the principles of   in another country if they want to
           it online and it is delivered either the   classical marketing, they expect a   progress to a new level in their
           same day or the next day (for free).   level of competence in technology,   careers. Let alone learn new global
           Whilst you still visit stores at times   regardless of the marketing role one   languages!
           for emergencies and fresh goods   may have. The terminology itself is
           (this is also changing now), the   becoming difficult and confusing
           vast majority of shopping happens   for highly experienced executives:     r Thomas Oosthuizen
           online. Some people claim that this   phrases like “digital transformation”   is Head of Strategy
           reduces impulse buying; I think it   are used a lot, but understood        at Draper Gain
           increases it, as it is just so easy to do.   differently by different groups. In   Investments. With over 30
           Also, the online sites always prompt   most instances though, the degree   years of experience, he
           you with related items that were   of actual transformation is low and   is a marketing and brand
           bought by people buying the items   often limited to very particular areas   strategy expert working with
           you are buying.                   of a company.                       many global leaders in their

           The UK has the second highest     Generalists are not understood or   field. Oosthuizen holds a
                                                                                 PhD in Integrated Marketing
           online shopping spend at $1 629   even respected; specialists are (so   Communications and has been
           per year, after the US. In a 2016   to say you are a marketer needs   a judge on many marketing
           consumer survey, it was found that   refinement: in what industry, in what
           81.2% of shoppers in the UK look at   aspect?).                       industry award panels.

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