Page 13 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 13

purchasing, your brand is already top
of mind.
In fact, 80% of social marketers
say increasing brand awareness is
their primary goal on social (Sprout
Social Index, 2018). And for many,
this is where it stops.
But building a community is just
the beginning. Secondly, you now
get to speak to your followers –
your captive audience. Again, unlike
traditional marketing channels,
social media provides you with the
incredible opportunity to engage with
your future customers and have them
speak back to you.
At this stage of the game, it’s got
to be all about them. You need to be
listening, observing, and learning
what they like and love so that you to visit your website and buy your
can give them more of the type of are they? What media do they read?
content that appeals to them. Now is Where do they spend their time when products or services.
not the time for hard-selling offers – online? And more. The aforementioned three stage
that will come later. You rather want It’s here where the true power of approach to social content is a sure way
to be educating your followers about content marketing is unleashed. It’s to drive real, measurable returns, but it
takes time and persistence.
your brand, what you stand for, your time for those great offers and hard-
company culture and introducing them working ads. Here’s the thing, with all
to, and educating them about your this information about your prospect, IMM Graduate School Digital
products and services. you have the power to create an offer Marketing online short courses
Essentially, you are building trust. If that truly resonates with them – and The IMM Graduate School offers ive
you do this part well, the magic starts with remarketing technology you can Digital Marketing online short courses.
to happen – increased trafic from your show them your offer in the online These are:
social pages to your website. After all, spaces that they frequent (outside of Social Media Marketing
isn’t this really where you want your your social pages and website). Harness the power of social media, no
customer to be? If you need further And since they already know you matter who you are. This course will
convincing, know that when asked what and trust your brand, it’s an easy step give you an in-depth understanding
content type they want from brands for them to click back to your website of several social media platforms, and
on social, the majority of consumers and make a purchase. None of which the marketing tools, segmentation
surveyed (30%) said they wanted links would have happened if not for the capabilities and metrics they offer.
to more information (Sprout Social small beginnings of an inspirational You will learn:
Index, 2018). quote. • How to effectively engage with the
And now thirdly, it's time for The three stages above do not social media platforms – Facebook,
the unveiling! Because your future necessarily happen in sequence. That LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and
customer visited your website, you would be far too easy. This means that YouTube
have the privilege of getting to know at any time social marketers should be • How to harness the business
creating three types of content: content
them better. value of social media and use
Through Google Analytics you that builds communities, content that it to increase trafic to company
can delve deep into several visitor engages and educates, and content that websites
insights: Who are they? What are they sells. • How to set up, navigate, extract
All of which should be aligned to
interested in? What technology do the needs of the customer you want data analytics and manage
they use? Where do they live? How old

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