Page 14 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 14

Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, • The main success factors in sponsorship marketing and
Twitter and YouTube accounts managing a digital campaign marketing automation
• Content strategy and the different • The advantages and disadvantages • The online customer experience,
types of content that can be used of different types of digital media journey mapping and buying
in social media activities channels personas
• How to create a content marketing • Planning and implementing your
plan digital marketing activities using Search Engine and Content Marketing
• How to use insights gained strategic planning models Digital marketing managers need to
from social media listening and • The various business models for understand the power of effective SEO
monitoring platforms to increase online revenue generation and and how, when managed properly, it
online engagement how to derive an effective model can have a hugely positive effect on all
for your campaign digital marketing outcomes. You will
Digital Marketing Analytics • Harnessing the power of targeting learn about:
Digital marketing is the way forward and segmentation in digital • The purpose of SEO, and the
in the contemporary business marketing differences between SEO and
climate. With this course, you’ll gain paid search marketing, and
inside information into how digital Essentials of Digital Marketing their beneits, limitations and
marketing activities can be successfully This course takes the non-digital fundamentals
monitored, measured, analysed and marketer on a journey of exploration
optimised to improve results and return into the many applications of digital • The role and importance of
on investment for organisations and marketing and digital media types, keyword and key phrase research
customers. You will learn: and how these can be integrated with in both SEO and paid search
• Digital analytics and its importance ofline channels. You will explore: activities
to marketers • The digital marketing world • How to implement keyword and
• Core web metrics and how to use – its terminology, relevance, key phrase research, using a range
them developments, advantages, of research tools
• How to measure the effectiveness challenges and differences to • The role of content in SEO, the
of digital marketing plans and traditional marketing importance of linking keywords
drive return on investment for • The complexities of paid search to content, and how to distinguish
organisations marketing, SEO, keywords, display between digital and traditional
• The importance of adopting a advertising and pay-per-click, and marketing content
testing strategy and the various how to target and optimise your
testing options available ads For more information on these IMM
• How to evaluate online presence • The role of content marketing and Graduate School short courses, visit
and web performance through how it supports digital media
a range of quantitative and • The role, application and beneits course/ or call 011 628 2000.
qualitative indicators of email marketing, afiliates,
• The importance of developing
customer lifestyle communications
and applying basic CRM principles
and integrating all activity into a Wendy Monkley teaches business
management within the BCom
multi-channel database Degree, and digital marketing
and advanced digital marketing
Digital Marketing Planning within the BBA degree at the IMM
Everyone needs a game plan. Without Graduate School. She also authored
and tutors all ive digital marketing
one you’re running blind or shooting in online short courses for the IMM
the dark. In this course, you’ll learn how Graduate School. She is CEO of
to plan your digital marketing activities Digital Content Lab, with over 30
using tried-and-tested strategy and years experience in marketing and
planning models. You will ind out advertising.
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