Page 19 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 19
inluencers that is shared between with them; and ultimately getting a Each category of inluencers excels
brands and agencies, as we see the reputation for being a blegger*. in achieving different objectives.
same inluencers being used time and Being authentic to their own brands Whether you decide on nano, micro,
time again by various brands. and their currency is the reason macro or mega inluencers, make
When this happens, the inluencer people follow them and value their sure that they are best positioned
and their content loses its authenticity, opinions and recommendations. Once to inluence the target market in the
rendering them ineffective. It’s as easy inluencers work with anyone and desired way.
as expanding the list of inluencers that everyone, their inluence will drop as
brands use, including the types, making they are no longer viewed as unbiased *A blegger is an inluencer who
sure they align with brand values and and authentic. works with any brand without making
are best suited to reach objectives and When brands take a step back and sure the brand aligns with their values
target markets to get around this. identify the basics, like what they want and audience. Bleggers are also known
The vetting of inluencers is also to achieve and who they want to speak to push different brands within short
paramount to ensure that they do not to through inluencers, the next step is lag times between each other and thus
engage in activities or behaviour that to match the type of inluencers that causes fatigue in their audiences.
can harm the reputation of the brand. should be utilised.
Equally important is to audit inluencer
followings and engagements to check Anne Dolinschek is founder and
for fake or bought followers and fake chief strategist at Nlu#ntial, one
engagements... aka using social media of the companies within the Ninity
pods and the like. Don’t fret, there are Group. She is a gladiator in a
pencil skirt focusing on inluencer
companies out there that specialise in marketing strategies. Her education
doing just that, trust the professionals and experience is steeped in
to get this right for you. communications with a BCom:
On the lip side, it’s also in the Communication Management degree
from the University of Pretoria and
interest of inluencers to be discerning vast experience in traditional and
about which brands they work with, in digital PR. Her love for connecting
order to not be overused or switching brands with consumers through
between competitors too quickly, which alternative platforms led to the birth
of Nlu#ntial.
can lead to brands not wanting to work
Strategic Marketing - p17
brands and agencies, as we see the reputation for being a blegger*. in achieving different objectives.
same inluencers being used time and Being authentic to their own brands Whether you decide on nano, micro,
time again by various brands. and their currency is the reason macro or mega inluencers, make
When this happens, the inluencer people follow them and value their sure that they are best positioned
and their content loses its authenticity, opinions and recommendations. Once to inluence the target market in the
rendering them ineffective. It’s as easy inluencers work with anyone and desired way.
as expanding the list of inluencers that everyone, their inluence will drop as
brands use, including the types, making they are no longer viewed as unbiased *A blegger is an inluencer who
sure they align with brand values and and authentic. works with any brand without making
are best suited to reach objectives and When brands take a step back and sure the brand aligns with their values
target markets to get around this. identify the basics, like what they want and audience. Bleggers are also known
The vetting of inluencers is also to achieve and who they want to speak to push different brands within short
paramount to ensure that they do not to through inluencers, the next step is lag times between each other and thus
engage in activities or behaviour that to match the type of inluencers that causes fatigue in their audiences.
can harm the reputation of the brand. should be utilised.
Equally important is to audit inluencer
followings and engagements to check Anne Dolinschek is founder and
for fake or bought followers and fake chief strategist at Nlu#ntial, one
engagements... aka using social media of the companies within the Ninity
pods and the like. Don’t fret, there are Group. She is a gladiator in a
pencil skirt focusing on inluencer
companies out there that specialise in marketing strategies. Her education
doing just that, trust the professionals and experience is steeped in
to get this right for you. communications with a BCom:
On the lip side, it’s also in the Communication Management degree
from the University of Pretoria and
interest of inluencers to be discerning vast experience in traditional and
about which brands they work with, in digital PR. Her love for connecting
order to not be overused or switching brands with consumers through
between competitors too quickly, which alternative platforms led to the birth
of Nlu#ntial.
can lead to brands not wanting to work
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