Page 23 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 23
which competitors are going to have to
take us on. For example, we moved the
NetFlorist isn't afraid to have a same day delivery cut-off time from
point of view and are brave enough to 12:00 to 16:00 and we also introduced
put it out there. home delivery,” explains Bacher.
Future plans
Bacher says the business will
our ads, but we always pull the ads. If it of those being same day. Same day continue to be the best it can be,
gets to that stage we do that, because delivery is a key differentiator for the with personalisation remaining a key
our aim is not to offend,” comments brand, as is personalisation of gifts driver. On the loral side, there are two
Bacher. (across 1 000 different products), focus areas over the next year; the
Morris says that NetFlorist is a which is the fastest growing part of the introduction of home delivery and the
fantastic client to work with because business. scaling up of wedding deliveries.
“they are not afraid to have a point of “What we try and do is provide what
view and are brave enough to put their we think our customers want, even if
point of view out there. We have had it’s hard, because it raises the level at
some criticism in the past for being a
bit too risqué, but you can never please Michael Bratt is a multimedia
all people all of the time,” he says. journalist for Wag the Dog. He
“As the saying goes, if you stand for previously worked at several high
something you may have some people proile media houses including
for you and some against you and if CNBC Africa and Tiso Blackstar
Group. He obtained a Bachelor of
you stand for nothing you will have Journalism Degree with Honours
nobody against you… but nobody for from Rhodes University. Away from
you either.” work he has been an active member
of Toastmasters for over nine years
Differentiating selling points and is currently Deputy President
of the Johannesburg Chapter of the
NetFlorist currently does on average Professional Speakers Association
3 000 deliveries a day, with two thirds of Southern Africa.
Strategic Marketing - p21
which competitors are going to have to
take us on. For example, we moved the
NetFlorist isn't afraid to have a same day delivery cut-off time from
point of view and are brave enough to 12:00 to 16:00 and we also introduced
put it out there. home delivery,” explains Bacher.
Future plans
Bacher says the business will
our ads, but we always pull the ads. If it of those being same day. Same day continue to be the best it can be,
gets to that stage we do that, because delivery is a key differentiator for the with personalisation remaining a key
our aim is not to offend,” comments brand, as is personalisation of gifts driver. On the loral side, there are two
Bacher. (across 1 000 different products), focus areas over the next year; the
Morris says that NetFlorist is a which is the fastest growing part of the introduction of home delivery and the
fantastic client to work with because business. scaling up of wedding deliveries.
“they are not afraid to have a point of “What we try and do is provide what
view and are brave enough to put their we think our customers want, even if
point of view out there. We have had it’s hard, because it raises the level at
some criticism in the past for being a
bit too risqué, but you can never please Michael Bratt is a multimedia
all people all of the time,” he says. journalist for Wag the Dog. He
“As the saying goes, if you stand for previously worked at several high
something you may have some people proile media houses including
for you and some against you and if CNBC Africa and Tiso Blackstar
Group. He obtained a Bachelor of
you stand for nothing you will have Journalism Degree with Honours
nobody against you… but nobody for from Rhodes University. Away from
you either.” work he has been an active member
of Toastmasters for over nine years
Differentiating selling points and is currently Deputy President
of the Johannesburg Chapter of the
NetFlorist currently does on average Professional Speakers Association
3 000 deliveries a day, with two thirds of Southern Africa.
Strategic Marketing - p21