Page 26 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 26
Five reasons to prioritise
sustainability in your brand's playbook
There is a wealth of evidence that proves sustainability can boost the bottom line. In
fact, when sustainability initiatives are integrated thoughtfully into the strategic plan,
it can do everything from streamlining the supply chain to unlocking a new level of
consumer love and loyalty, writes Julia Wilson.
I ncreasingly consumers are becoming hear, “Yes, consumers say they want categories: chocolate, coffee, and bath
more sophisticated in their ability to
products, and found that sustainability
sustainability, but will this actually
boosted sales and units sold across the
boost my bottom line?”
discern between true commitment
to sustainability and action taken just
There is a wealth of evidence that
for show. And they’re not afraid to call proves sustainability can boost the board.
Whether you’re well on your
out that lack of authenticity on social bottom line. In fact, when sustainability way or just starting to incorporate
media, in conversations with friends, or initiatives are integrated thoughtfully sustainability into your strategy, our
in any other channel. into the strategic plan, it can do latest global sustainability report,
This has made some brands everything from streamlining the Consumers Buy the Change they Wish
hesitant – afraid of the brutal consumer supply chain to unlocking a new level to See in the World, underscores these
backlash against well-intentioned of consumer love and loyalty. In our ive reasons for doubling down:
efforts. Others are still sustainability recent report, What’s Sustainability Got 1. Sustainability encourages a
sceptics. In our work with clients, I often To Do With It?, we took a look at three culture of innovation, pushing
p24 - Strategic Marketing
Five reasons to prioritise
sustainability in your brand's playbook
There is a wealth of evidence that proves sustainability can boost the bottom line. In
fact, when sustainability initiatives are integrated thoughtfully into the strategic plan,
it can do everything from streamlining the supply chain to unlocking a new level of
consumer love and loyalty, writes Julia Wilson.
I ncreasingly consumers are becoming hear, “Yes, consumers say they want categories: chocolate, coffee, and bath
more sophisticated in their ability to
products, and found that sustainability
sustainability, but will this actually
boosted sales and units sold across the
boost my bottom line?”
discern between true commitment
to sustainability and action taken just
There is a wealth of evidence that
for show. And they’re not afraid to call proves sustainability can boost the board.
Whether you’re well on your
out that lack of authenticity on social bottom line. In fact, when sustainability way or just starting to incorporate
media, in conversations with friends, or initiatives are integrated thoughtfully sustainability into your strategy, our
in any other channel. into the strategic plan, it can do latest global sustainability report,
This has made some brands everything from streamlining the Consumers Buy the Change they Wish
hesitant – afraid of the brutal consumer supply chain to unlocking a new level to See in the World, underscores these
backlash against well-intentioned of consumer love and loyalty. In our ive reasons for doubling down:
efforts. Others are still sustainability recent report, What’s Sustainability Got 1. Sustainability encourages a
sceptics. In our work with clients, I often To Do With It?, we took a look at three culture of innovation, pushing
p24 - Strategic Marketing