Page 27 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 27

you to embrace new methods,
technologies and ideas.
2. Sustainability is a way to build
authenticity, creating more
transparency in your supply chain.
3. Sustainability is a consumer-
centric strategy. It requires you to
understand and empathise with
the concerns your consumers
have, and how your brand can be
a solution to help make their lives
4. Sustainability drives greater
eficiency. For example, many
companies set commitments to
move towards manufacturing
processes that reduce waste,
requiring investment in research
and development and sometimes Create a sustainability strategy that’s your short- and long-term strategic
the overhaul of supply chains. authentic for you and your consumer planning from start to inish.
That upfront investment can pay To do it right, companies need to invest Investing in sustainability is
off as your business beneits in truly understanding their consumers undoubtedly an individual journey
from a more eficient process and and embed sustainability into their for brands that can be impacted by
enhanced reputation. brand’s foundation. Authenticity industry, geography, product portfolio,
5. The positive effects of comes through the end-to-end community commitments and other
sustainability are good for us, integration of sustainability into your factors. We’ve seen success when
and they make us feel good too. processes and complete transparency companies take a tailored approach
That goodwill can cut across your with consumers along the way. That consisting of multi-stakeholder
employees, consumers, and other means pushing beyond feel-good engagement, cross-functional
stakeholder groups. marketing and labels on packaging to accountability and transparency
a fully integrated, interdepartmental along the way. For many brands, this
Incorporating sustainability execution. It requires collaboration approach will enable consumers to take
One of the major challenges we hear across many teams, from sourcing and note at the shelf, and in turn reward the
companies express is knowing that sustainability, to category managers brand along their path to purchase.
sustainability is important, but not and marketing leaders. Winning
having a strategic plan for incorporating requires that sustainability be part of
it into their brand or across the
full product portfolio. The word
‘sustainability’ has increasingly become
a catch-all term that, depending on
the context, can encompass everything Julia Wilson is vice president
of global responsibility and
from environmental conservation to sustainability at Nielsen,
employee relations, and much more. responsible for its global
Thus, for any company, it can seem environmental, social and
daunting to incorporate all of these governance strategy, ongoing
stakeholder engagement, and
factors into their overall business external reporting.
strategy, and igure out how it its into
their consumer marketing approach.

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