Page 28 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 28
new face of CoverGirl cosmetics

James Charles,

Removing the gender lens from

Generation Z marketing

The Gillette ‘toxic male’ campaign has received its fair share of comment by poking at
social norms, while Woolworths came under fire for its Valentine’s day campaign for
assuming ‘norms’ that no longer apply, Iza Grek reports.

G ender luidity is the new normal speciic for decades,” says Kyle Harker, lens that is gender biased.”
“Advertising has been gender-
Demographics are not the only
and marketers need to take
communication activist and business
common denominator for engagement.
“In a world where inclusivity is
and shared values through which
agency, Hero Strategic Marketing.
valued by Millennials and Gen Z, it’s unit director at full service marketing “Today it’s all about like-mindedness
important for brands to be considerate “In 2019, the way we market has to people choose to connect and live
of how culture is shifting and changing shift from cleaning products aimed at their lives. Brands should appeal to
today and into the future,” says women and cars at men to where we mindsets and values over gender;
Thabang Leshilo, senior consultant of are representative of society where this way they don’t alienate anyone
brand and cultural strategy at Kantar communication, businesses and the or perpetuate stereotypes, but rather
Consulting. way we view each other is not through a open themselves up to a whole new

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