Page 33 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 33

backlash moves on to the next target? is often stereotyped by society as Time will tell whether this works out for
Not so fast. Let’s examine a local brutal muscle, mindless sexual Gillette, or not. But if they think it will,
example that yielded immediate appetite and violence. South Africans and they back the work they have done
positive results. do not recognise themselves in that to get to this point, then they should
stereotypical way, and masculinity can stay the course.
Carling Black Label, 'Bold. Brave. thus become something to be ashamed
Strong.' of, rather than celebrated.
A South African campaign for Carling Carling Black Label seized the
Black Label is the perfect case study opportunity to paint a 21st century
to follow of how to go about playing portrait of masculinity that could rally
in this space. ‘Bold. Brave. Strong.’ is all men under its banner: bold, brave,
an impactful new campaign that has strong men are those who are true to
already garnered praise from the themselves and use their strength to do
media for showing “how powerful the right thing. This sensible message
brands can be as catalysts for change”. required research-driven content to
What did they do right? ensure the right chord was struck by
By conducting the right research, the advertising.
at the right moment, a stronger idea Three months into the launch, Nick Coates is CEO of Ipsos
South Africa. Starting his career
can be revealed, which is a catalyst Carling is showing record growth in management consulting and
for creativity and can support the in South Africa, with major positive market research in the United
brand teams in launching a bold and volume changes and signiicant Kingdom, he moved to South
Africa in 2004 and has worked
purposeful campaign that drives their improvements in image attributes. throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.
business successfully. Between 2008 and 2012 he
On Carling Black Label’s path to What does this mean for brands? worked in Russia as both deputy
reinvention, in-depth investigation of It’s too early to say whether Gillette’s CEO and head of marketing for
Ipsos Russia. Returning to South
modern South African males revealed campaign is going to be a sureire Africa with Ipsos in 2012, Coates
a tension: masculinity has a lot to win for the brand and Gillette, Nike assumed the role of head of
do with strength, yet male strength and Carling are very different brands. marketing for SSA .


When thinking about marketing and advertising 4. Imagining the advert from a different perspective:
placing itself in a cause-based or political space, some Would the advert be received more positively or more
considerations would do well to make the waters smoother negatively if a different type of person were used in
for these brands. the advert, women instead of men for example?
1. Broader understanding of political currents in your 5. Will the message have a positive effect on sales,
market and country. based on the product? There is a loose upper limit
2. What is the brand's history and purpose: Does the on how much Nike gear a fan will buy, likewise with
brand sit comfortably in that space? Nike has a history Carling but unfortunately for Gillette, the rate at which
of targeting youth with edgy adverts and pushing the people need to replace razors does not increase, even
boundaries with an audience who are aligned to their if they have nothing but praise for this ad. People are
message – Just Do It. They also famously live up to unlikely to wear Gillette branded apparel as a badge
their messages, with carefully selected sponsorships of honour, so there seems less obvious upside in
and are quick to pull out of sponsorships that do not immediate sales.
align with these social messages.
3. Is there a tone of positivity and partnership: Carling These are questions that research prior to launch will help
Black Labels' campaign has a positive tone that avoids answer. Playing in this space can be hugely advantageous
any misinterpretation of the campaign as a criticism of for brands, but being bold also requires being prepared.
masculinity as it is today.

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