Page 37 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 37
T he thing is, you have considered amount of remotely conscious are identifying a speciic, or even many
needs and simultaneously generating
all of this already, without really
decisions an adult makes each day
equals about 35 000!
realising it.
perceptions about the products
You have experienced two different
You will have switched between
thinking modes are in super-drive, as
systems of thinking that we all apply these two systems as you got ready you are considering. System I and II
daily as our brains receive and for work this morning and chose what you subconsciously assess all that is
experience information. According to to wear and which way to go to work. going on within and around you, as
the psychologist Daniel Kahneman, It also means that later in the day, you attempt to make the best decision
these two systems are known as when you are more tired mentally possible to subdue the nudges you are
System I thinking and System II and physically, your decision-making feeling driven by your needs.
thinking. ability or capacity will be different to Factors which inluence shopper
These are two distinct modes of that of in the morning. behaviour and decision-making in the
decision-making: System I is an The above is particularly important moment:
automatic, fast and often unconscious to understand when considering the Mindset based on:
way of thinking. It is autonomous shopper decision-making processes • Psychological (mood, motivations,
and eficient, requiring little energy and subsequent behaviour. perceptions, learning, beliefs and
or attention, but is prone to biases Consider the impact of attitudes, etc.)
and systematic errors. System II is an understanding the following factors at • Cognitive (insight, awareness,
effortful, slow and controlled way of play in the shoppers’ decision-making mental capacity, etc.)
thinking. process to purchase: • Physical (person's physical reality,
(System I is involuntary; System II is At the moment you enter a shop and i.e. their body shape, the colour of
calculating). are faced with a myriad of options, you their kitchen, etc.)
Did you know that the average are in a particular frame of mind, you
Strategic Marketing - p35
T he thing is, you have considered amount of remotely conscious are identifying a speciic, or even many
needs and simultaneously generating
all of this already, without really
decisions an adult makes each day
equals about 35 000!
realising it.
perceptions about the products
You have experienced two different
You will have switched between
thinking modes are in super-drive, as
systems of thinking that we all apply these two systems as you got ready you are considering. System I and II
daily as our brains receive and for work this morning and chose what you subconsciously assess all that is
experience information. According to to wear and which way to go to work. going on within and around you, as
the psychologist Daniel Kahneman, It also means that later in the day, you attempt to make the best decision
these two systems are known as when you are more tired mentally possible to subdue the nudges you are
System I thinking and System II and physically, your decision-making feeling driven by your needs.
thinking. ability or capacity will be different to Factors which inluence shopper
These are two distinct modes of that of in the morning. behaviour and decision-making in the
decision-making: System I is an The above is particularly important moment:
automatic, fast and often unconscious to understand when considering the Mindset based on:
way of thinking. It is autonomous shopper decision-making processes • Psychological (mood, motivations,
and eficient, requiring little energy and subsequent behaviour. perceptions, learning, beliefs and
or attention, but is prone to biases Consider the impact of attitudes, etc.)
and systematic errors. System II is an understanding the following factors at • Cognitive (insight, awareness,
effortful, slow and controlled way of play in the shoppers’ decision-making mental capacity, etc.)
thinking. process to purchase: • Physical (person's physical reality,
(System I is involuntary; System II is At the moment you enter a shop and i.e. their body shape, the colour of
calculating). are faced with a myriad of options, you their kitchen, etc.)
Did you know that the average are in a particular frame of mind, you
Strategic Marketing - p35