Page 39 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 39
There’s never been a better time to

review your CCM strategy

Now more than ever, customers expect companies to value their loyalty, recognise them as
individuals, be cognisant of their personal needs and requirements and send them only the most
relevant information or offers. That’s why a customer communications management strategy is
so important, says Gabi Strijp.

T hroughout the history of scale is one of the factors driving a communications, including those for

business, large enterprises have
resurgence of interest in the formerly
marketing, new product introductions,
never had more customers, nor
renewal notiications, claims
low-proile category of software and
as many ways to communicate with
and bill and payment notiications.
communications management (CCM).
them. managed services known as customer correspondence and documentation,
At face value, this is an abundance In fact, the global customer "These interactions can happen
of blessings for leading brands and communications management market through a wide range of media and
corporations. After all, when it comes has been forecast to grow from $1.4 output, including documents, email,
to quantity of customers and quality of billion in 2017 to $4 billion by the end Short Message Service (SMS) and web
customer contact, more is better than of 2024 – a compound annual growth pages.
less. rate of over 16%. "CCM solutions support these
But the everyday reality of So what exactly is CCM software objectives, providing companies with
managing customer communication and managed services? And how do an application to improve outbound
programmes today can be daunting, they help large enterprises deliver communications with their distributors,
not to mention expensive, now that personalised communications and partners, regulatory bodies and
it involves the use of customer data experiences at scale? customers."
to create personalised, multi-media Put another way, the ideal CCM
experiences dynamically and delivering CCM deined service provider offers an integrated
it securely to millions of individuals Research and advisory company suite of software and managed services
across a multitude of channels and Gartner deines the CCM market as to enterprises to deliver personalised
formats. solutions that support "the strategy communications and experiences
The growing complexity of sending to improve the creation, delivery, to millions of customers across any
personalised correspondence at storage and retrieval of outbound channel, format or device.

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