Page 43 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 43
Out with the old roles, and
in with a fresh approach to
streamline services
Significant changes to internal team structures have improved business, delivering greater
value to clients, and a richer and more fulfilling work experience for our team across digital
marketing services and public relations. Judith Middleton tells the story of how internal change
has borne external results.
T he shift came about as a result jobs that needed to be done, with the between client and the implementation
role; it needs commercial acumen,
of two insights. The irst was
people who needed to do them. We
emotional intelligence, strong
took a step back to reconsider what our
that some of the roles we need
to play as PR and digital marketing
professionals are contradictory. clients needed from us, and settled on boundaries and maturity to handle
four roles: the connector, the holder
Sometimes it’s all about commercials of accountability, the implementer, This would typically be an account
or industry depth of knowledge, and the administrator. These roles are director role, but would sometimes
media expertise and risk mitigation, sometimes straddled for optimum need the input of the CEO or managing
and sometimes it’s about metrics, learning, exposure to new opportunities director, and there’s no reason a good
spreadsheets and deep attention to and for knowledge sharing with new account manager couldn’t take some of
detail. team members, but they always drive it on. Pragmatism, experience and rich
Secondly, the conventional key requirements by the person best at consultation is required to ind the best
account executive, account manager the speciic role. solutions for the business, the clients
or account director roles were just The connector is responsible and the team.
not serving us or our people and our for tending relationships, not only The holder of accountability is the
culture demanded that we support with clients, but also with external role we step into when we’re being
our employees' strengths rather than stakeholders such as media and the client’s champion or advocate. It
correct their weaknesses. suppliers. When there’s a tough involves asking questions such as: 'Are
Our breakthrough came when we conversation to be had, that’s a we delivering what we promised?' 'How
recognised we’d been confusing the connector task. This role is a buffer do we achieve exceptional results?'
Strategic Marketing - p41
Out with the old roles, and
in with a fresh approach to
streamline services
Significant changes to internal team structures have improved business, delivering greater
value to clients, and a richer and more fulfilling work experience for our team across digital
marketing services and public relations. Judith Middleton tells the story of how internal change
has borne external results.
T he shift came about as a result jobs that needed to be done, with the between client and the implementation
role; it needs commercial acumen,
of two insights. The irst was
people who needed to do them. We
emotional intelligence, strong
took a step back to reconsider what our
that some of the roles we need
to play as PR and digital marketing
professionals are contradictory. clients needed from us, and settled on boundaries and maturity to handle
four roles: the connector, the holder
Sometimes it’s all about commercials of accountability, the implementer, This would typically be an account
or industry depth of knowledge, and the administrator. These roles are director role, but would sometimes
media expertise and risk mitigation, sometimes straddled for optimum need the input of the CEO or managing
and sometimes it’s about metrics, learning, exposure to new opportunities director, and there’s no reason a good
spreadsheets and deep attention to and for knowledge sharing with new account manager couldn’t take some of
detail. team members, but they always drive it on. Pragmatism, experience and rich
Secondly, the conventional key requirements by the person best at consultation is required to ind the best
account executive, account manager the speciic role. solutions for the business, the clients
or account director roles were just The connector is responsible and the team.
not serving us or our people and our for tending relationships, not only The holder of accountability is the
culture demanded that we support with clients, but also with external role we step into when we’re being
our employees' strengths rather than stakeholders such as media and the client’s champion or advocate. It
correct their weaknesses. suppliers. When there’s a tough involves asking questions such as: 'Are
Our breakthrough came when we conversation to be had, that’s a we delivering what we promised?' 'How
recognised we’d been confusing the connector task. This role is a buffer do we achieve exceptional results?'
Strategic Marketing - p41