Page 46 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 46

and sustainable purchasing and supply can increase customer satisfaction
management, are critical for both buyer and reduce costs, thus positively FUTURE-PROOFING
and seller organisations. Both will have impacting on company proitability YOUR CAREER
supply bases e.g. the manufacturer and shareholder value. From a supply
may purpose the services of a transport chain perspective, there is also Globalisation drives economic growth,
provider, while the logistics service the opportunity for improving the so it stands to reason that successful
provider may purchase the services operations and eficiency of the supply businesses owe much to eficient supply
of a maintenance company for their chain overall. Therefore, logistics chain management. Moving products
vehicles. Either way, organisations in is receiving increasing recognition from one place to another, be it within a
a supply chain have a supply base in companies due to the role and country’s borders, throughout a continent
AND are part of another organisations importance thereof in their future or across the world is increasingly
supply base. Both must know how the growth and prosperity.” (Kujawa, 2004: important.
management of these should work. 35). Add to this the growing impact of
Furthermore, key performance The main goal of the logistics
areas within purchasing and supply services and the purchasing function, e-commerce, where shopping borders
have been all but eliminated, and it’s
management must include the that procures these and other no surprise that businesses across the
management of quality in purchasing services and goods, is to ensure the globe employ those with the skills
and supply. Whether an organisation uninterrupted low of goods and required to work in this fast-paced
is a buyer or seller of goods or services overall, in order to ensure that world. Major innovations require existing
services, it thus needs to understand what is required by the end customer practitioners to upgrade their skills. Think
performance and quality management is received on time and in good of autonomous warehouses, self-driving
(either because it is assessing and quality. The interaction between the trucks and ships, and drones…
managing its providers or because it purchasing and supply function and Businesses are looking to employ
is being assessed and managed by its other organisational functions thus graduates of business studies or MBA
customers). also largely determines the success of programmes who have studied supply
“In a world of increasing the organisation. Badenhorst-Weiss
competition, technological et al. (2018) discuss the inluence of chain management and logistics.
Specialisation in these subjects gives
developments and globalisation, purchasing and supply management graduates an undoubted advantage
logistics is increasingly complex. on general business units (for example when applying for positions.
Continuous improvement and marketing, human resources, etc.). The IMM Graduate School’s BCom
best practice in logistics is thus For both the purchasing degree in Marketing and Management
increasingly dificult for companies organisation and the supplier (of Science is focused on marketing and
to achieve, due in part to lack of the goods or services), having a supply chain management. The degree
expertise and economies of scale, well-established, representative and combines the marketing function and
as logistics is usually not part of competent purchasing and supply associated strategic functions with a
the core competence, for example team will enhance co-ordination overall strong focus on business research.
of manufacturing or exporting as well as successful purchasing and The course also covers:
companies. However, unsatisfactory supply for buyer and seller. • Inventory management
performance levels in logistics can • Procurement
destroy a company’s opportunity The risks • Customer service
to be world-class and leading- It is also important to be aware of • Supply chain analysis
edge in its effectiveness. Ineficient the risks in purchasing and supply. • Transportation
logistics practices and operations Logistics outsourcing, for example, • Business-to-business marketing
can negatively impact a company’s when successful can result in signiicant
customer service and competitive beneits for a company, but can also Registrations for the second semester
advantage in the market place, be accompanied by various potential are open. Visit https://www.immgsm.
their costs and proitability, and pitfalls and problems. It is critical that in
future plans, for example for market any outsourcing initiative, management why-choose-a-career-in-supply-chain-
expansion. Nevertheless, if eficiently pays careful and thorough attention management/ or call
and effectively performed, logistics to certain key areas of the process and 0861 466 476 for further information.

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