Page 38 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 38
• Contextual (life events, the 2. Analyse their mindset
weather, the current situation, etc.) 3. Assess their rational and emotional
Needs that are either: needs (our product answers these
• Tangible (the need for softer skin) needs)
• Intangible (the need to feel more 4. Map out their path to purchase
awake and energised) 5. Walk through their decision-
making process
While the product is a tangible 6. Meet them in the moment of truth
solution, the initial need may not be as (the 3-7 seconds after a shopper
noticeable. irst encounters your product)
Perception of: While the article serves only as
• Value (based on the above, does a mere glimpse into this fascinating
this rank as highly valuable to topic, I do hope that it has piqued your
me in meeting my need and can interest and curiosity as to how we as
I quantify this value based on the South African marketers can apply
asking price?) this as a guide to digging deeper into
• Risk (do I feel conident that if I the South African shoppers’ mind
make this purchase, it will satisfy by gaining more profound, relevant
my need? Or will I perhaps be insights into their thinking and
disappointed? I can't afford to get behaviour.
the wrong thing)
As marketers, we can:
In a country where money is • Better understand the South
extremely tight for most shoppers, African shoppers' mindset
perceived risk and value is often top • To answer to a relevant need
of mind when deciding to purchase a • That can help guide and inform
product. shoppers' perceptions in the
How then can we apply this decision-making process.
understanding to the unique South
African shoppers' mindset and If we do this successfully, we are then
purchase behaviour in the design of our able to:
shopper marketing strategies? • Inluence the decision-making
1. Understand the context of the process
South African shopper within • Create the desired behaviour
a particular target audience • Answer a set objective (i.e. sample,
thoroughly (immerse and purchase, switch, recommend, etc.)
Lara-Anne Derbyshire is a
strategist at Boomtown Strategic
Brand Agency. She completed a
BTech Degree in Graphic Design,
her Honours in Psychology and a
certiicate in marketing management
as well as behavioural economics.
WIth 10 years in advertising, and
as a strategic thinker and creative,
she thrives on dealing with people,
understanding their needs and
creating viable solutions to beneit
their business goals.
p36 - Strategic Marketing
• Contextual (life events, the 2. Analyse their mindset
weather, the current situation, etc.) 3. Assess their rational and emotional
Needs that are either: needs (our product answers these
• Tangible (the need for softer skin) needs)
• Intangible (the need to feel more 4. Map out their path to purchase
awake and energised) 5. Walk through their decision-
making process
While the product is a tangible 6. Meet them in the moment of truth
solution, the initial need may not be as (the 3-7 seconds after a shopper
noticeable. irst encounters your product)
Perception of: While the article serves only as
• Value (based on the above, does a mere glimpse into this fascinating
this rank as highly valuable to topic, I do hope that it has piqued your
me in meeting my need and can interest and curiosity as to how we as
I quantify this value based on the South African marketers can apply
asking price?) this as a guide to digging deeper into
• Risk (do I feel conident that if I the South African shoppers’ mind
make this purchase, it will satisfy by gaining more profound, relevant
my need? Or will I perhaps be insights into their thinking and
disappointed? I can't afford to get behaviour.
the wrong thing)
As marketers, we can:
In a country where money is • Better understand the South
extremely tight for most shoppers, African shoppers' mindset
perceived risk and value is often top • To answer to a relevant need
of mind when deciding to purchase a • That can help guide and inform
product. shoppers' perceptions in the
How then can we apply this decision-making process.
understanding to the unique South
African shoppers' mindset and If we do this successfully, we are then
purchase behaviour in the design of our able to:
shopper marketing strategies? • Inluence the decision-making
1. Understand the context of the process
South African shopper within • Create the desired behaviour
a particular target audience • Answer a set objective (i.e. sample,
thoroughly (immerse and purchase, switch, recommend, etc.)
Lara-Anne Derbyshire is a
strategist at Boomtown Strategic
Brand Agency. She completed a
BTech Degree in Graphic Design,
her Honours in Psychology and a
certiicate in marketing management
as well as behavioural economics.
WIth 10 years in advertising, and
as a strategic thinker and creative,
she thrives on dealing with people,
understanding their needs and
creating viable solutions to beneit
their business goals.
p36 - Strategic Marketing