Page 25 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 25
their inner sanctum. development today. This idea, of challenge, give opinions and build
It has become more organic than building an ecosystem of experts rather solutions, and this external perspective
ever before. And yes, I do still believe than a static business of employees, is still vital, notwithstanding the
in the sanctity of the one-page brand needs a long-term vision more than realities of business pressures, target
mission and consistent brand golden ever in order to ensure that all partner audience knowledge (one can never
threads. But not without a lot of members are on the same page before have enough) and constant change. A
imaginative, bold, and clever thinking the real work begins. strategist is not always right. They have
that is executable quickly. Strategy, especially long-term, is opinions, just like everyone else.
It is, after all, a marketing world of about being different and consequently And lastly: If there is one thing that
fast-paced technology, innovation and dificult to emulate. It is the same for strategists can do on their own in this
communication channels that didn’t marketing and communications. Today’s new playing ield it is help, rather than
even exist ive years ago. Marketing strategies have to be built with the hinder, a marketer’s plan and vision. A
tools have extended into voice cornerstones of any modern business: practical, quickly implementable and
Strategists are there to question, challenge, give
opinions and build solutions, and this external perspective is
still vital, notwithstanding the realities of business pressures,
target audience knowledge and constant change.
activations (anything from ordering sustainability, technology, employee forward-thinking plan that saves the
your coffee to getting your news), culture and ecosystem thinking in order client’s time and money is really all
AI, intuitive data-based tracking and to stamp any form of authority on a they are looking for in the end.
behavioural analytics that make it feel shifting landscape. So put down the PowerPoint
like you’re not being marketed to at all. In a recent article by Harvard presentation and look around the
A truly useful communications Business Review, entitled ‘Sustainability table. Create work groups that ensure
strategy is really just a way to solve Can Be A Strategy’, the research your audience, your consumers, your
a particular business problem. suggests that “some companies are employees and your partners all have
The answer will not always be in a creating a real strategic advantage by a voice at the outset. That is clever
positioning statement or brand solution. adopting sustainability measures that strategy. And it’s almost incredible
Nor will it be what agency creatives their competitors can’t easily match”. what you can solve together.
like to call a ‘unifying thought’ or deep Strategists are there to question,
insight. More often, it comes from a
lethally tactical activation and product
solution – combined and played out as Didy Andersson is strategic
director at ad agency, One Lady
a killer blow in-market. & A Tribe. She is an experienced,
senior communications strategist
Co-creating powerful market plays with practical application skills
This new way of co-creating ‘powerful across the B2B and B2C sectors.
She is able to help clients solve
market plays’ with expert partners and communications problems, position
cross-industry networks is considered brands and effectively plan across
to be the number one priority by CEOs their marketing channels quickly
and eficiently.
and executives in future business
Strategic Marketing - p23
their inner sanctum. development today. This idea, of challenge, give opinions and build
It has become more organic than building an ecosystem of experts rather solutions, and this external perspective
ever before. And yes, I do still believe than a static business of employees, is still vital, notwithstanding the
in the sanctity of the one-page brand needs a long-term vision more than realities of business pressures, target
mission and consistent brand golden ever in order to ensure that all partner audience knowledge (one can never
threads. But not without a lot of members are on the same page before have enough) and constant change. A
imaginative, bold, and clever thinking the real work begins. strategist is not always right. They have
that is executable quickly. Strategy, especially long-term, is opinions, just like everyone else.
It is, after all, a marketing world of about being different and consequently And lastly: If there is one thing that
fast-paced technology, innovation and dificult to emulate. It is the same for strategists can do on their own in this
communication channels that didn’t marketing and communications. Today’s new playing ield it is help, rather than
even exist ive years ago. Marketing strategies have to be built with the hinder, a marketer’s plan and vision. A
tools have extended into voice cornerstones of any modern business: practical, quickly implementable and
Strategists are there to question, challenge, give
opinions and build solutions, and this external perspective is
still vital, notwithstanding the realities of business pressures,
target audience knowledge and constant change.
activations (anything from ordering sustainability, technology, employee forward-thinking plan that saves the
your coffee to getting your news), culture and ecosystem thinking in order client’s time and money is really all
AI, intuitive data-based tracking and to stamp any form of authority on a they are looking for in the end.
behavioural analytics that make it feel shifting landscape. So put down the PowerPoint
like you’re not being marketed to at all. In a recent article by Harvard presentation and look around the
A truly useful communications Business Review, entitled ‘Sustainability table. Create work groups that ensure
strategy is really just a way to solve Can Be A Strategy’, the research your audience, your consumers, your
a particular business problem. suggests that “some companies are employees and your partners all have
The answer will not always be in a creating a real strategic advantage by a voice at the outset. That is clever
positioning statement or brand solution. adopting sustainability measures that strategy. And it’s almost incredible
Nor will it be what agency creatives their competitors can’t easily match”. what you can solve together.
like to call a ‘unifying thought’ or deep Strategists are there to question,
insight. More often, it comes from a
lethally tactical activation and product
solution – combined and played out as Didy Andersson is strategic
director at ad agency, One Lady
a killer blow in-market. & A Tribe. She is an experienced,
senior communications strategist
Co-creating powerful market plays with practical application skills
This new way of co-creating ‘powerful across the B2B and B2C sectors.
She is able to help clients solve
market plays’ with expert partners and communications problems, position
cross-industry networks is considered brands and effectively plan across
to be the number one priority by CEOs their marketing channels quickly
and eficiently.
and executives in future business
Strategic Marketing - p23