Page 20 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 20

Meet the gladiator in the

pencil skirt

Anne Dolinschek is the founder of and chief strategist for
Nflu#ntial, an influencer agency. Here she gives a brief on her
role as the creator of influencer marketing strategies.

brands on getting the most out of their exchanges and gifts are also a form of
inluencer marketing. payment.

Q: Are you an inluencer? Q: Can you tell us what you think
A: I never know how to answer this. was a brilliant inluencer inspired
I suppose that people ask my opinion campaign in SA, and one that just fell
and recommendations on certain very very lat?
topics, which makes me one. A: There’s too many, in either
category to name. We see some
Q: How would you describe your amazing and some terrible ones a
personal brand? couple of times a month.
A: Warrior of brand reputations,
ighter for equality and all round Q: What is the process you go
optimist. through when signing up inluencers?
A: I personally have no involvement
Q: What, to you, makes up the X with signing up inluencers as I am
Q: You refer to yourself as a factor that a good inluencer should responsible for developing a strategy
‘gladiator in a pencil skirt’. What’s have? and advising on the type of inluencers
that all about? A: The ability to stay 100% authentic that will help a brand to reach their
A: I spent most of my career and transparent to their audiences. In objectives.
in public relations and we are the other words, only create content about
protectors of reputations, therefore things that align with their values, Q: How do you match inluencers to
we’re the gladiators in pencil skirts. partner with brands that are a natural brands?
Now that I have transitioned into it and if something isn’t great, have the A: This function is outsourced to
inluencer marketing strategy, I feel courage to say that. inluencer management or inluencer
even more of a protector as public implementation agencies, who have
sentiment can be made or broken by Q: How are inluencers paid? You’ve huge databases of inluencers. They
inluencer campaigns. previously broken them down into match inluencers with brands based on
categories. What does the money target market and objectives.
Q: What made you move from aspect look like for different tiers?
working in public relations to the A: Inluencers are quite unique in Q: What is the most dificult aspect of
‘inluencer’ sector? the amounts that they are paid. A lot of ‘selling’ inluencers to a brand?
A: Digital PR and inluencer inluencers will cost within the budget A: It’s deinitely becoming easier as
management were my natural niches of a brand if they really want to work marketers see inluencer marketing as
within the PR industry, that’s where I felt with them; it also depends on their part of the marketing mix these days;
most comfortable and passionate. The followings, engagement etc. You’ll ind they have embraced it as another
shift was an organic one for me to focus every inluencer has a different rate channel to reach their target markets.
on helping to shape the local inluencer card. Money is also not the only way
landscape for the better and educating to remunerate inluencers, as barter

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