Page 11 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 11
campaigns, great advertising people, ingertips will set you apart, so customers). It is also a dangerous place
great marketers. I then chose to grow in read ferociously. when used incorrectly, which we see
this sector because I knew that no one 3. An increased vocabulary and regularly.
day would ever be the same. learning to write will help you sell At Meta Media, we use social media
stuff. marketing extensively for our clients,
What would your advice be to 4. Thought distillation really is a skill to gain insights, to connect brands in a
someone starting out in marketing? to master. targeted way, to monitor trends and to
I’d tell them that they are here to 5. Change is a true constant when it stay connected as a business. We use a
be sales people and if that does not comes to consumers and brands, few proprietary tools that integrate the
sound sexy, they should go be dental so keep up, and never stop work we put out on social media and
technologists. learning. optimise our campaigns.
Do you believe that certain people Marketing is changing so much, What will be the top ive marketing
are cut out for marketing and others so rapidly, with the technological trends of 2019?
not, or can you learn your way into advances of this era in media. How Technology drives most of the trends.
being an effective marketer? I believe would you deine the changes and 1. The use of AI in data and analytics
that great marketers are made. One how have you embraced them? will grow – think live chat in
must have a love for certain things and There are many, many changes. I want search, social listening and cookie
some natural abilities but generally, to pull out two that I believe are most synching.
great marketers can be made. If a signiicant for me right now: 2. Inluencer marketing will grow,
person does not like the sales pitch, 1. The gig economy means we need but it will be richer and less about
solving problems and working with to hire differently and think about Twitter celebrities.
varied people, endless amounts of how to integrate teams in a better 3. Native advertising will be the new
information and daily challenges – way. The ofice bound, nine-to- creative opportunity and so content
then they will most deinitely not be ive employee no longer serves us must be reimagined.
made for marketing. fully, but the work we do dictates 4. Afrofuturism will be a lavour,
that we integrate. Therefore, especially on the continent.
Could you give us a brief outline embracing technology and the This notion is interestingly
of your marketing education and solutions it offers is an opportunity about technology in the space
career journey? I studied at the AAA we welcome. of ‘future’ Africa. Think of how
School of Advertising and then got 2. Utilising the power of AI is another tech is integrated into telling a
into advertising; I shifted onto the exciting area. As an industry we’ve quintessential African story in the
client side, together with being an always been excellent at collecting 55th country on the continent,
entrepreneur running my own PR and large amounts of data, especially Wakanda.
sponsorship company and a strategic customer data, but have struggled 5. TV will still dominate! Radio will
consultancy. I’ve also led a number with putting it to really good use. still connect.
of agencies specialising in brand At Meta Media, we are starting
communications, advertising, digital to understand how AI can help in What devices/technology can you
and media. how we use data more effectively, not live without?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve for things such as customer My mobile. Even though I know how to
always been studying and I like to think insights, customer segmentation, step away from it, I certainly wouldn't
of myself as a recovering academic, retargeting, tracking etc. be able to live without it. I see the
for now. The forever student bug hasn’t mobile phone as Africa’s computer
quite left me yet. What is your view on social media as I can do everything on it (type,
marketing and how does your agency chat, watch, read, listen, take photos,
What are the ive most important manage these kind of campaigns? throw it at something… and easy to
lessons you learned on that journey? Social media marketing is a powerful carry around). It’s the most practical
1. It is a lot more complex than it tool to converse, gain insights (brands connecting piece of technology ever
looks and it is deinitely fun. and customers) and a fantastic meeting invented! Coupled with that, deinitely
2. Useful information at your place for the two (brands and their my music apps.
Strategic Marketing - p9
campaigns, great advertising people, ingertips will set you apart, so customers). It is also a dangerous place
great marketers. I then chose to grow in read ferociously. when used incorrectly, which we see
this sector because I knew that no one 3. An increased vocabulary and regularly.
day would ever be the same. learning to write will help you sell At Meta Media, we use social media
stuff. marketing extensively for our clients,
What would your advice be to 4. Thought distillation really is a skill to gain insights, to connect brands in a
someone starting out in marketing? to master. targeted way, to monitor trends and to
I’d tell them that they are here to 5. Change is a true constant when it stay connected as a business. We use a
be sales people and if that does not comes to consumers and brands, few proprietary tools that integrate the
sound sexy, they should go be dental so keep up, and never stop work we put out on social media and
technologists. learning. optimise our campaigns.
Do you believe that certain people Marketing is changing so much, What will be the top ive marketing
are cut out for marketing and others so rapidly, with the technological trends of 2019?
not, or can you learn your way into advances of this era in media. How Technology drives most of the trends.
being an effective marketer? I believe would you deine the changes and 1. The use of AI in data and analytics
that great marketers are made. One how have you embraced them? will grow – think live chat in
must have a love for certain things and There are many, many changes. I want search, social listening and cookie
some natural abilities but generally, to pull out two that I believe are most synching.
great marketers can be made. If a signiicant for me right now: 2. Inluencer marketing will grow,
person does not like the sales pitch, 1. The gig economy means we need but it will be richer and less about
solving problems and working with to hire differently and think about Twitter celebrities.
varied people, endless amounts of how to integrate teams in a better 3. Native advertising will be the new
information and daily challenges – way. The ofice bound, nine-to- creative opportunity and so content
then they will most deinitely not be ive employee no longer serves us must be reimagined.
made for marketing. fully, but the work we do dictates 4. Afrofuturism will be a lavour,
that we integrate. Therefore, especially on the continent.
Could you give us a brief outline embracing technology and the This notion is interestingly
of your marketing education and solutions it offers is an opportunity about technology in the space
career journey? I studied at the AAA we welcome. of ‘future’ Africa. Think of how
School of Advertising and then got 2. Utilising the power of AI is another tech is integrated into telling a
into advertising; I shifted onto the exciting area. As an industry we’ve quintessential African story in the
client side, together with being an always been excellent at collecting 55th country on the continent,
entrepreneur running my own PR and large amounts of data, especially Wakanda.
sponsorship company and a strategic customer data, but have struggled 5. TV will still dominate! Radio will
consultancy. I’ve also led a number with putting it to really good use. still connect.
of agencies specialising in brand At Meta Media, we are starting
communications, advertising, digital to understand how AI can help in What devices/technology can you
and media. how we use data more effectively, not live without?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve for things such as customer My mobile. Even though I know how to
always been studying and I like to think insights, customer segmentation, step away from it, I certainly wouldn't
of myself as a recovering academic, retargeting, tracking etc. be able to live without it. I see the
for now. The forever student bug hasn’t mobile phone as Africa’s computer
quite left me yet. What is your view on social media as I can do everything on it (type,
marketing and how does your agency chat, watch, read, listen, take photos,
What are the ive most important manage these kind of campaigns? throw it at something… and easy to
lessons you learned on that journey? Social media marketing is a powerful carry around). It’s the most practical
1. It is a lot more complex than it tool to converse, gain insights (brands connecting piece of technology ever
looks and it is deinitely fun. and customers) and a fantastic meeting invented! Coupled with that, deinitely
2. Useful information at your place for the two (brands and their my music apps.
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