Page 6 - Journal of Strategic Marketing Magazine - April 2019
P. 6
Veldskoen: Stepping out
of the comfort zone
Influencer marketing is on the rise – even in South Africa – but there
can be no greater endorsement of a product than having one of the
world’s favourite royals stepping out in it. Lucinda Jordaan tracks the
Veldskoen story.
I could use,” explains co-founder and sale every 15 minutes. It continued
f ever there was a case for celebrity
chief marketing oficer, Nic Latouf. The
endorsement, Veldskoen has it. The
throughout the day into most of
company had sent a pair to the Duke
Sunday, and just continued,” Latouf
innovative start-up, founded in
South Africa in 2017, had steadily been
making inroads into the UK market and Duchess of Sussex shortly after recalls. The following Saturday the
paper printed another small story on
their wedding, but had no proof they
when they got a call from one of the had liked, or even worn them. Until The the shoes, next to a pic of footballer,
country’s largest newspapers, The Times ran a story on the veldskoen, Steven Gerrard – “and every 10
Times, this past February. and the Prince’s long-time love for the minutes we had a sale; even our shoes
“The editor had spotted Prince shoes. on Amazon did well, as well as another
Harry in a pair of veldskoene, and “On the Saturday morning the UK site (Kendrick Imports) that stocks
wanted to know if we had a picture they irst story got published, we had a them too,” adds Latouf.
p4 - Strategic Marketing
Veldskoen: Stepping out
of the comfort zone
Influencer marketing is on the rise – even in South Africa – but there
can be no greater endorsement of a product than having one of the
world’s favourite royals stepping out in it. Lucinda Jordaan tracks the
Veldskoen story.
I could use,” explains co-founder and sale every 15 minutes. It continued
f ever there was a case for celebrity
chief marketing oficer, Nic Latouf. The
endorsement, Veldskoen has it. The
throughout the day into most of
company had sent a pair to the Duke
Sunday, and just continued,” Latouf
innovative start-up, founded in
South Africa in 2017, had steadily been
making inroads into the UK market and Duchess of Sussex shortly after recalls. The following Saturday the
paper printed another small story on
their wedding, but had no proof they
when they got a call from one of the had liked, or even worn them. Until The the shoes, next to a pic of footballer,
country’s largest newspapers, The Times ran a story on the veldskoen, Steven Gerrard – “and every 10
Times, this past February. and the Prince’s long-time love for the minutes we had a sale; even our shoes
“The editor had spotted Prince shoes. on Amazon did well, as well as another
Harry in a pair of veldskoene, and “On the Saturday morning the UK site (Kendrick Imports) that stocks
wanted to know if we had a picture they irst story got published, we had a them too,” adds Latouf.
p4 - Strategic Marketing