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Digital technology enables total             The best brand, regardless of              To conclude
                                             category, sets the standard of             A new business universe demands a
personalisation, contradicting the           engagement and experience                  new marketing approach. This means
                                             There is something akin to ‘the butterfly  really putting consumers at the centre
very principle of market consolidation       effect’ (the concept that small causes     of the business and knowing as much
                                             can have large effects) in business.       as possible about them. Brands must
The fact that digital technology enables     This happens when something small          be leveraging technology to engage
total customisation is diametrically         that one brand does resonates across       them in the way they want to be
opposite to the traditional mass-            all other brands, even if just in a tiny   engaged. It means innovation now
marketing approach. A brand can              way. Once done, nothing else is the        has to be a far more central capability
now build a very personal, engaging,         same thereafter. It changes the way in     of most companies.
authentic relationship with the              which consumers view all other brands,
consumer – something that is fast            regardless of category.                      For many businesses, this also
becoming the new norm.                                                                  means the uncertainties it deals with
                                                As an example, if my bank delivers      have multiplied many times. Living
  The key issue for marketers is that this   an exceptional new experience, then        with contradictions has become the
is now expected by consumers; hence it       that becomes the level at which I          new normal.
is no longer something a company may         now expect other brands to behave.
consider as an optional strategy.            It re-sets the scope of engagement           Similarly, the changed world
                                             of all other brands. Even within the       demands a new management style
  For some years, we have had brands         constraints of data privacy, we do         with greater agility and, arguably, the
such as BMW offer a certain degree of        not like it when our bank does not         imminent demise of companies stuck
product customisation. Today, with a                                                    in conservative paradigms.
brand like the innovative Tesla electric     ?
car, this personalisation is near-infinite.  The message is                               None of us can claim we know exactly
                                             to change while                            where the future lies, or even what
  The car can almost take on the             it’s still possible                        technology will be capable of in our field
requirements, needs and personality                                                     of endeavour. But we do know it can no
of its owner. From being able to adjust      know us, or tries to sell us the same      longer be business as usual. We know
controls, update its own software            thing again and again. So while            we need to ask the hard questions,
overnight, or welcome its owner into the     we are apprehensive of our data            even if we won’t have answers at times.
car, the Tesla is able to offer a degree     becoming freely available, we are          We know we will need to be agile.
of personal comfort no other vehicle         also unhappy if our brands do not
has been able to achieve to date. This       use it to our advantage.                     And we also understand that we will
is largely because of a sophisticated,                                                  need to inculcate innovation into our
yet simplified technology interface.            For example, we happily share           culture and DNA.
                                             everything about ourselves on
  The notion of seamless consumer            LinkedIn because we believe it will                        Like us on Facebook:
engagement in a consistent and               benefit us. Is this not another paradox                    Strategic Marketing
integrated manner has always been            of modern marketing?                                       Magazine
elusive to brands. Manual systems,
human failure, disparate technology             Brand experiences are no different                                  Dr Thomas
and varying infrastructure all made          from experiences with friends. The                                     Oosthuizen is Global
consistent brand delivery complex and        better you know your friends, the                                      Consulting Director
almost impossible to attain.                 more able you are to remain close to                                   at Acceleration.
                                             them. The more intuitive an interface                                  With over 30 years
  Today, however, technology enables         becomes, the more authentic it                                         of experience, he
this. As the Internet of Things grows,       becomes. Technology enables it,                                        is a marketing and
as systems integrate and online and          but also makes it imperative.                                          brand strategy expert
offline marketing channels converge,                                                        working with many global leaders in
brand experiences will become more                                                          their field. Oosthuizen holds a PhD in
manageable and seamless. Yet, for                                                           Integrated Marketing Communications
it to happen, brands need to think                                                          and has been a judge on many marketing
this way. It will not happen if they see                                                    industry award panels.
digital technology as an adjunct to the
central business processes and the
rest of marketing.

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