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“This made it difficult to compare its    advertising sites. Interestingly, the         other similar systems such as ROUTE          PHOTO: GETTY/GALLO IMAGES
effectiveness with other mediums          model does not necessarily equate             in the UK and MOVE in Australia.
because buyers could receive only         passing traffic with advertising contact;
fragmented and unreliable stats from      instead, it factors in ‘zones of visibility’    According to the Out of Home
media owners.”                            and takes account of obstructions,            Measurement Council, ROAD will enable
                                          orientation, size of the outdoor              local media owners to upload their
NEW MODEL                                 advertisement, and even other points          inventories onto a map, create a visibility
In May this year, the Out of Home         of interest in the area.                      model for each advertising site and
Measurement Council unveiled a                                                          calculate the corresponding frequency
measurement model which, it says,           This data is combined with localised        and reach. Advertisers will have access
will change all that. The council is      research data that was compiled by SA-        to these metrics and can experiment to
an industry body launched by key          based market research company Kuper           discover what will give them the best
players JCDecaux (formerly Continental    Research during a 12-month survey             impact for specific target markets.
Outdoor), Primedia Outdoor, Outdoor       involving more than 15 000 adults.
Network and AdOutpost.                    The survey, which is to be conducted          WHY RATINGS ARE VITAL
                                          annually in future, analyses factors
  The model is called ROAD (for           such as the types of transport used by        Ratings allow marketers to assess the
Roadside Outdoor Audience Data) and       consumers, commuting routes, times of         value of certain media in relation to
aims to put out-of-home on an equal       travel and distances travelled.               others, and make outdoor media easy
footing with other forms of media when                                                  to plan, buy and measure.
it comes to audience metrics. The         ?
methodology was designed by specialist    The new model                                   “It is important for our global
Spanish-based OOH research company        makes the medium                              agency and advertiser clients to have
Cuende Infometrics.                       highly measurable                             access to consistent and reliable
                                                                                        OOH measurement in markets
  “For every billboard and campaign,        Using geo-audited out-of-home               around the world,” explains Neil
users will know audience metrics,         locations, demographics and visibility        Eddleston, Marketing and Research
profiles and demographics. So they can    makes it possible to measure who              Director for JCDecaux OneWorld.
analyse reach, frequency, duplication,    actually sees an ad, thereby delivering       “Media buyers and planners in South
impacts and cost-per-thousand,” says      dependable audience ratings.                  Africa now have access to globally
Daniel Cuende, founder of Cuende                                                        recognised accountability, increasingly
Infometrics. “Our research covers all       The ROAD survey conforms to global          commonplace in other OOH markets,
OOH formats that can be geo-positioned    out-of-home audience measurement              and directly comparable with other
on a digital map – including billboards,  guidelines set by the European Society        major advertising media platforms.
bus shelters, taxi ranks and urban        for Opinion and Marketing Research’s          ROAD is a leap forward, permitting
furniture. The system offers data for     Global Guidelines on Out-of-Home              customers to recognise the true
every conurbation (urban region) with a   Audience Measurement. According               potential and value of the out-of-home
population of more than 8 000 people.     to the guidelines: “The measurement           medium in South Africa”.
                                          of OOH media audiences in most
HOW IT WORKS                              countries relies on a combination of            Lyn Jones, Marketing and Research
ROAD is built on Quantum software,        survey data and mobility modelling            Manager for sub-Saharan Africa at
which is the result of a partnership      to enable the audience for all panels         JCDecaux, says that OOH (according
between Cuende Infometrics and            (advertising sites) to be estimated           to Nielsen’s Adex report on advertising
Telmar Group, an American company         sufficiently accurately for the market        expenditure) claims 4% of the
that develops solutions for media         to operate, while keeping the cost of         advertising spent in South Africa.
planning and management, and which        measurement to an acceptable level.”          “We [know] that this is under-read as
uses audience measurement data to                                                       approximately 50% of the OOH media
enable reliable OOH measurement.             The methodology applied by Cuende          owners in South Africa do not submit
                                          has been proven in Pakistan and in            their data to Nielsen for advertising
  Quantum utilises satellite data to                                                    auditing purposes. After analyses we
provide real-time information on human                                                  estimate the industry to account for
movement patterns around outdoor                                                        about 10% of ad spend. We believe
                                                                                        media owners and planners alike

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