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P. 41

Instead of having pitching agencies         meetings. I can remember being told        not to give it straight. I am certainly
spend ridiculous hours developing             20 years ago in a Y&R workshop that        not the most successful person in
The Big Idea that might never be              80% of client decisions were made in       our industry. Far from it. But I do have
used – or worse yet, might be very            those first meetings. I suspect nothing    perspective from many decades in
ineffective – clients should have the         has changed.                               the business.
actual agency working team commit
to intense interviewing by them and             The easiest thing in our business is       I also know only too well that the
their consultants.                            to give a client what they want. But they  full-blown creative pitch will probably
                                              are hiring you to give them a view on      never go away because some agency’s
  Sound out the agency principals. Find       what they need. Remember, you sell         business models are set up to serve
out what they believe in. What are they       your agency by addressing what the         this concept. And some clients can’t
in the business for? I loved the CMO of       client wants. You solve a client’s real    see beyond it. I’ve won and lost in
Audi earlier this year saying that a major    problem by addressing their needs.         this lottery.
reason for selecting their new agency
was that they had shared values.              ?                                            But, maybe, just maybe, there are a
                                              Select your agency                         few clients out there who might agree
  What is the agency’s vision? Who are        the same way you                           that there is a better way worth trying.
the newest people it’s been hiring? Why       select managers                            It’s easy to buy an idea. Try buying
did they join your agency? Get them to                                                   people. I guarantee you’ll get more
show examples of innovation. What do            If a client really wants to see if you   out of the relationship.
their current clients say about them?         can walk the talk, the agency should
                                              be set the task of working on an actual    Rod Curtis is Managing Director of the
  The client should be seeing if their        paid assignment. This will weed out a      T20 Group, an advertising, marketing
stories match. Ultimately, a client           poor candidate sooner than any long-       and communications company based
should be looking for people who might        winded hoop-jumping and tick the box       in Melbourne, Australia. He has been
present something they won’t like,            called ‘agency pitch process’.             involved in the Australian advertising and
not just something they will. You want                                                   marketing industry for over 40 years.
people who can sell themselves, not             I make no apology for not pulling any    This article was originally published by
just the idea.                                punches with this piece. I was asked for   TrinityP3, a leading strategic marketing
                                              my views and it would be disrespectful     management consultancy in the Asia
THE PROCUREMENT                                                                          Pacific, with an international network of
DEPARTMENT                                                                               industry professionals consulting in the
                                                                                         marketing and advertising industry.
It’s timely at this point to bring up
the elephant in the room – the                ?
procurement department.
                                              The fundamental reason for a successful client-agency relationship is people.
  It’s pretty hard to have a relationship     A scene from Mad Men, the TV series set in the advertising world of the 1960s
with someone who doesn’t want to have
one with you. And the people you need
to have a relationship with aren’t even in
the room. The procurement department
has been around for years and doesn’t
look like it’s going away, so let’s stop
grizzling about it. Get the numbers and
transparency right so that when you do
get to meet the actual client that stuff
has been well and truly ticked off the list.

  Given the current standard Modus
operandi – where agency credentials/
capabilities are done first with the long
list and then creative with the short
list – a large percentage of the buying
decision is made during those initial

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