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A strategy
that’s all about
the messenger

The voice of the brand ambassador has long been one of the most compelling components
of marketing. Add to this the amplifying one-on-one effect of social media and you have
influencer marketing. Penny Haw examines a strategy that’s growing in popularity.

INFLUENCER MARKETING AS A                 ?                                            “Like several other marketing tools
      concept is not new. Brands have     Influencers must                           that are currently in fashion – such as
      sponsored individuals they believe  build trust with                           content marketing, native advertising
have the power to sway the decisions      their followers                            and testimonial marketing – influencer
of others for more than a century. As                                                marketing is not new,” observes Cape
far back as the 1870s, North American       What’s new to the approach – which       Town-based marketing commentator
tobacco companies placed images of        focuses on using key individuals to drive  and advisor, Chris Moerdyk. “Technology
famous actors and sports personalities    a brand’s message to an online audience    simply gives us new ways of doing it.”
on cards used to stiffen packaging,       – are its name, the hype around it and
creating a simple way to promote          how it is applied.                           Nonkululeko Mabena, a strategist
cigarette brands. They were the first                                                at Johannesburg marketing and
brand ambassadors.                                                                   communications agency, The Strategy
                                                                                     Department, is not, however, entirely

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