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safferinamerica                                                                           MICHAEL GOLDMAN (@michaelmgoldman)
                                                                                          is an Assistant Professor at the University of
South African academic Michael Goldman gives                                              San Francisco in the USA and Adjunct Faculty
a marketing perspective from the US.                                                      at the University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute
                                                                                          of Business Science (GIBS) in Johannesburg.

Doing the right thing
is putting more icing

   on Curry’s cake

A high-profile US athlete is building his brand value and earning power
               with a novel approach – doing the right thing.

A S THE NEXT NATIONAL                      is gaining wide appeal. As broadcaster         is backing public sentiment towards
           Basketball Association season   ESPN’s Jalen Rose argued: “The best            healthier options. This is contrary to
           gets underway in the US in      player in the league usually is also           research published in the Journal of
late October, the Golden State Warriors    physically opposing: [tall], scowl on          Pedriatrics in 2013, which showed that
player, Stephen Curry, will be hoping to   his face, menacing … just a cut-throat         80% of the food endorsed by athletes was
win his third consecutive Most Valuable    nature. Steph allows us into his living        “energy dense and nutrient poor”, while
Player (MVP) award, fuelling debate        room. We see him on a national stage           93% of beverages endorsed derived all
about both his on-court and off-court      be a son, a dad, a husband, a father,          their calories from added sugar.
brand value.
                                           ?                                                Curry has used the endorsement to
  The 28-year old’s four-year US$44-       He is the league’s                             advocate: “Water is my drink. I like that
million contract extension expires at      most appealing star                            Brita makes tap water taste good, so that
the end of the next season and, despite                                                   you don’t need to spend money or waste
his high-profile status, Curry’s US$12-    a brother”. One of the most interesting        plastic with bottled water.”
million salary for the 2016-17 season      endorsement deals is between Curry
is expected to be outside the top 50       and Brita, the market leader in pour-            Stephen Curry’s endorsement portfolio
salaries in the entire NBA. This strange   through filtered water cartridges.             has been carefully selected to align to
situation is explained in part by injury                                                  his personal brand and that of his wife
problems prior to the signing of his       PROMOTING HEALTH                               and daughters, including two-year old
current contract, which has led many       I recently hosted Tad Kittredge, the           Riley who has even developed her own
to suggest that he will be able to         Director of Marketing for Brita in the US, in  following. The story of how Nike lost Curry
negotiate a substantially higher           my university sponsorship class. Kittredge     to opposition sports brand Under Armour,
salary from 2017 onwards.                  shared how Curry had chosen Brita, not         including mispronouncing his name and
                                           the other way around. Curry’s interest was     not positioning him as a distinct brand,
  Certainly, another good season and       in promoting the health benefits of water,     indicates that he is looking for longer-term
MVP award wouldn’t hurt. His off-          not in signing yet another deal to add to      partnerships that he can really believe in.
court brand is likely to help too. Sports  his estimated US$12-million endorsement
research company Repucom recently          income per year.                                 A while back, Curry expressed
found that Curry was considered by                                                        satisfaction with his US$12-million annual
fans as the most appealing, aspirational     While most athletes endorse high-sugar       salary, suggesting that this was ample to
and influential star in the NBA.           options such as Coke or Pepsi, Curry           provide for his family, He even described
                                                                                          anything more as “icing on the cake”.
  His authenticity and family-focused,                                                    Another great season on and off the
wholesome reputation is contributing                                                      court will likely see much more icing
to a distinct brand positioning which                                                     on the Curry cake!

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