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understandably leading to perceptions      of surveys to mask the true intentions     the product? Luckily for the profession,
that marketers are manipulating            of the caller and then pressing            the era of big data gives us a golden
customers. But marketing is not,           customers to commit to a purchase,         opportunity to understand customers
and should not be considered,              are widely shunned.                        more deeply than ever before, provided
manipulation. Given the pervasiveness                                                 the practice is conducted transparently.
of the perception that marketers           CHANGE THE PERCEPTION
are manipulators, I suggest that the       To counter the perception that               Facebook’s famed experiment in which
profession – both academics and            businesses are deceitful, marketing        it purposefully manipulated users’ feeds
practitioners – should be proactive        should seek to be a social influence,      by changing what appeared in front of
in changing these viewpoints.              specifically the kind that is not exerted  them in order to study how this affected
                                           covertly and does not use deception        their behaviour, caused widespread
INFLUENCE, DON’T                           or abuse to achieve its aims.              condemnation and – rightly so.
                                             Given increasing awareness of              (Editor’s note: In 2012, Facebook
To do this, we should turn to the          marketing tricks among consumers,          controlled the news feed of nearly
broader definition of manipulation         marketers need to approach customers       700 000 users – without their
to examine whether this is what            with sustainability in mind. While it is   knowledge – over a one-week period
marketing is. According to a definition    true that the marketers of the 1930s       as part of a study in conjunction with
used in the psychology literature,         used to think of their job as directing    two US universities. The social media
“psychological manipulation is a type      the flow of products to consumers in       platform said at the time that it was to
of social influence that aims to change    a very one-way fashion, marketing          gauge whether “exposure to emotions
the perception or behaviour of others      professionals today are coalescing         led people to change their own posting
through underhanded, deceptive or                                                     behaviours”. However, the experiment
abusive tactics.” To say, therefore, that  ?                                          was heavily criticised for manipulating
marketing uses deceit and abusive          Manipulation is                            people’s emotions.)
tactics would be inaccurate.               indeed pervasive
                                           in our daily lives                         MANAGEMENT PRACTICES
  If marketers employ covert tactics to                                               FOR MARKETERS
manipulate customers, then they run        around the notion of exchange between      Marketers should aim to create
the risk of being seen as unethical.       customers and producers, focusing on       sustained value, considering both the
Take the example of subliminal             value for the customer.                    long-term and short-term motivations in
advertising, where viewers are exposed                                                marketing a product or service. This will
to information that slips below their        This can be seen in crowdsourcing        mean the closer study of customers,
conscious awareness. Such practices        and push-and-pull strategies on social     the creation of experiences and not
caused moral outrage in 1957 when          media. Beauty brand L’Oréal, for           just products and services, developing
it emerged that movie-goers had been       instance, created a product in response    equitable relationships with customers,
exposed to split-second advertisements     to online customer chatter around a new    and considering the impact of all
of Coca Cola and popcorn without their     hair style. Exchange in this way implies   practices on society more broadly.
conscious knowledge. Such practices        agreement and is a status quo that
have been banned in the UK ever since      customers not only accept, but take part     Only then will we be able to counter
and it’s still unclear as to whether the   in. Crucially, organisations should think  the perception that marketing
practice even works when it comes to       long-term in such marketing efforts.       is manipulative.
influencing purchase decisions.
                                             Most marketing classes I teach           Hubert Gatignon is a Professor of
  As we saw in the case of Volkswagen,     start off with a debate about whether      Marketing and the Claude Janssen
where customers were falsely led to        marketers are filling needs, or creating   Chaired Professor of Business
believe their cars had lower emissions     them, in order to sell products. This is   Administration at INSEAD Business
than they really did, deception was        tricky territory. Who could say consumers  School, based in Fontainebleau, France.
not only detrimental to the customer       wanted iPhones until they were shown       This article is adapted and republished
relationship but to the firm as a                                                     courtesy of INSEAD Knowledge (http://
whole, landing it in legal hot water.                                        Copyright
Telemarketing ploys, such as the use                                                  INSEAD 2016.

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