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the basis that ‘we just want to see how    blame but ourselves. We are stuck in
                                          you think’. That’s not intent people.      what [leading strategist and thinker]
                                          That’s contempt. And maybe, just           Dr Edward de Bono calls ‘repetition
                                          maybe, we deserve it.                      and routine’, which he alarmingly
                                                                                     describes as ‘the kiss of death’ for
                                            And you, the oh-so-professional          business. And he is right.  
                                          agency business manager, do you really
                                          want this piece of business? I mean,         As agencies we put up with the lack of
                                          really want it. If you are running one of  what I call ‘Pitch Etiquette’. Poor briefs
                                          the holding agencies you will have no      with no timetable or structure; short
                                          choice. Your growth targets will dictate   presentation times; un-returned emails
                                          that you have to pitch on everything       and phone calls; key decision makers
                                          that moves to have any chance of           cancelling out of presentations at the
                                          reaching those double-digit targets.       last moment; discourteous handling
                                                                                     of news to the unsuccessful agencies.
                                            All this, of course, in an advertising
                                          industry with a single figure growth         Clients take the creative pitch route
                                          outlook (average 4,8% predicted over       because they know there are any
                                          the next five years in Australia).         number of willing suckers out there in
                                                                                     agency land ready to roll over and say:
                                            As an industry, we all know that         “Of course we’ll pitch! We are delighted
                                          the pitch process is notoriously           to spend our money on your business
                                          flawed. Ridiculously short lead times      over the next six weeks; to rush through
                                          or mind-numbingly long lead times;         expensive research, make huge
                                          pitch lists as long as your arm; layers    strategic calls on your brand, and push
                                          of client management consensus             our people and our existing clients.”

                                          ?                                            And when we win, do it all again
                                          We all know the                            because now we are going to get the
                                          pitching process                           real brief because the CXO (chief
                                          is seriously flawed                        experience officer) was away during the
                                                                                     pitch and she/he is not happy with the
                                                                                     outcome. Yep, love to pitch! (I apologise
                                                                                     for the moment of petulance).

ESTABLISHING INTENT                       needed to select the new agency;           NEW METHODS REQUIRED
                                          meaningless paperwork for the RFP
Hopefully you have established as a       (request for proposal).                    It’s time for change and we have to
first step what we call ‘intent’. Are we                                             consider other methods. I say ‘we’
serious here with this pitch? Does the      Then there’s the lack of access to       because clients are not going to change
client really want a new agency? We all   decision makers. My mantra is that she     overnight. It’s up to us to provide some
remember that potential major piece of    or he who has the power to approve         leadership here.
new business last year … it took them     the new agency’s appointment, must
six months to decide to leave their       do the brief. There is nothing more          Here’s the earth-shattering point: The
business with the incumbent agency.       debilitating than dealing with people      fundamental reason for a successful
                                          who have the authority to only say         client and agency relationship is …
  The biggie for me here is the           ‘maybe’. Add in cost pressure to do        people. I know, it’s a hard concept to
absolutely ridiculous situation whereby   the brief’s creative work for nothing;     grasp, but there it is.
many clients give you a few weeks to      coughing up your intellectual property,
sort out their entire communication       etc. The list goes on and on.                It’s people who understand each
strategy and messaging for all their                                                 other; who get the brand; who get the
stakeholder targets. This is done on      INDUSTRY IS TO BLAME                       business. It’s people who build rapport,
                                          But, my friends we have no-one to          establish credibility and reduce the
                                                                                     risk. Think about it. Most clients, in the
                                                                                     superficial world of the creative pitch >>

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