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Influencers should be trusted both
                                        by their followers and their clients.

                                          While they are paid to promote a
                                        brand and briefed accordingly,
                                        influencers are granted leeway to be
                                        spontaneous. The tone of their messages
                                        is conversational. To be effective – that
                                        is, relevant and accessible – they need
                                        to use language and approaches
                                        their followers find familiar.

                                          Ultimately, says Mabena, the
                                        authenticity of its influencers is
                                        crucial to the success of any influencer
                                        marketing campaign. “Certainly
                                        influencer marketing demonstrates
                                        the power of digital and social media.
                                        But, most importantly, it helps close the
                                        communication gap between companies
                                        and their markets by providing authentic
                                        human-to-human interaction that
                                        encourages consumers to trust brands
                                        because they trust their peers.”

                                        WHO ARE SA’S INFLUENCERS?                  ?

convinced by Moerdyk’s argument.        According to a recent study by               Top: Actress/singer Selena Gomez is the world’s
Unlike sponsored individuals of         management consultancy McKinsey &            highest-paid influencer at US$550 000 per post.
the past, she reasons, modern-day       Co, word-of-mouth strategies such as         Middle: Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has nearly
influencers communicate directly with   influencer marketing generate more           116-million Facebook likes. Bottom: Vodacom
their online followers via blogs and    than twice the sales spawned by paid         used influencers to promote its Deezer app
posts on a variety of social media      advertising. But, for it to work, an
platforms ranging from Facebook         influencer campaign has to be driven       Herman Manson of Marklives
to Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.    by individuals who are perceived of as     (media, marketing and advertising),
                                        both credible and relatable by their       Aki Anastasiou of Talk Radio 702
  Their messages and photographs are    followers. Where do people such as         (technology), Dion Chang of Flux Trends
in many cases amateurish ‘selfies’ and  this come from?                            (trends and design) and Asanda Sizani
are not edited or styled by the brands                                             of Destiny magazine (fashion) as
involved and their marketing teams.       It is not unusual, both internationally  some of South Africa’s subject-specific
                                        and locally, for brands to continue to     influencers. But today’s influencers
                                        pair up with high profile individuals      are not only celebrities or prolific
                                        for influencer marketing campaigns.        bloggers; they are also everyday people
                                        These include entertainers, well-          whose opinion holds sway and whose
                                        known sportspeople, popular bloggers       knowledge is trusted. >>
                                        and thought leaders in their fields.
                                        Knowledge and trustworthiness about
                                        specific topics is often a criterion for
                                        selecting influencers.

                                          Mabena names Khaya Dlanga
                                        of Amstel Lager (marketing and
                                        communications), Uno de Waal of
                                        Between 10and5 (digital publishing),

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