Page 52 - index
P. 52


When having
less promotes
greater consumer
product creativity

Dr Mignon Reyneke examines new international research                                  The authors focused the study on
that considers the impact of resource scarcity in difficult                          the perceived availability of physical
economic times – and how it encourages consumers to find                             resources for “an individual’s normal
new and innovative ways of using traditional products.                               growth and maintenance”. In other words,
                                                                                     the amount of resources a consumer
SCARCITY OF RESOURCES IS                   salaries remain stable. I believe that,   feels he or she has available (or           PHOTO: GETTY/GALLO IMAGES
        something that many South          rather than having a temporary feeling    unavailable) to maintain an appropriate
        African consumers – particularly   of needing to tighten their belts,        lifestyle and a normal level of growth.
those in lower-income groups – have        consumers perceive this as a longer-
been faced with for a long time.           term concern and have a general sense     THE RESOURCE
Considering the less-than-positive         of likely ongoing resource scarcity.      SCARCITY MINDSET
economic outlook, this has recently                                                  According to Mehta and Zhu, their own
become even more of a concern                A recent study by Ravi Mehta, an        and various previous studies indicate
across a wider spectrum of                 Assistant Professor at the University     that a scarcity of resources activates
the population.                            of Illinois, and Meng Zhu, an Assistant   consumer decision-making in an
                                           Professor of Marketing at the John        interesting way: people become less
  Indeed, the current economic woes        Hopkins Carey Business School,            fixated on the traditional use of products
have left people across all walks of life  examined the concept of a general         and, hence, are more likely to use them
concerned about how they will continue     resource scarcity and the effect of this  in creative ways that were originally
to make ends meet as food, fuel and        on the creative and non-traditional use   not intended by manufacturers and
transport prices continually rise, but     of products by consumers.                 product marketers.

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