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The Hollywood movie The    ??  Middle East, with an average GDP           stagnant,” says Sa’d Abdul Hadi,
                        Martian was partly shot in      growth rate of 3,3%.                       General Manager of Al-Nasher PR and
                      the dunes of Wadi Rum and                                                    Advertising, which has a presence in
                     is being used in a marketing         Because the nation cannot rely on        Amman and other regional capitals.
                      drive to promote the region.      oil or natural resources and is heavily    The flip-side of this, however, is
                                                        dependent on food and energy imports,      that Jordanians return with greater
                              The famous archaeo-       it has been essential to think creatively  knowledge and experience, particularly
                         logical site of Petra draws    about the economy. It helps that           in the IT sector.
                                                        donors like the United States and Saudi
                              many foreign tourists     Arabia provide significant funding to        There is a relatively large middle
                                                        the country, but it may be necessary to    class and 85% of the population is
vowing to defeat terror group ISIL after                boost innovation and entrepreneurship      concentrated in urban areas. Around
it executed Jordanian Air Force pilot                   to counteract youth unemployment,          55% of the total population is under
Mouath al-Kasaesbeh in 2015.                            which stands at a worrying 30%.            24 years of age. “This means you have
                                                                                                   a lot of young people with access to
  In the king’s favour is the fact that                   Government currently employs 42%         technology and the Internet, who follow
Jordan’s economy has improved since                     of the country’s workforce – nearly        global trends in terms of lifestyle and
his ascension to the throne. Although                   triple the international average of 15%    almost everything else,” says Saif
real GDP is forecast to be just 3%                      – and this picture has to change.          Jarad, Managing Director of Chain
in 2016, steady growth has been a                                                                  Reaction Performance Marketing, a
theme. From 2009-2014, for example,                       King Abdullah’s plan to attract          Dubai-based digital marketing agency
the capital city of Amman was one of                    US$20-billion in foreign direct            with an office in Jordan.
the fastest growing economies in the                    investment into the energy, water,
                                                        transport, infrastructure, urban             According to research company
                                                                                                   Euromonitor, real household income is
                                                        ?                                          forecast to rise by 11% in Amman by
                                                        Jordan is pro-West,                        2019, which should bring a surge in
                                                        moderate and stable                        consumer expenditure. Jarad notes that
                                                                                                   consumer behaviour is already shifting.
                                                        development and IT sectors is a good       “People in Jordan like to try new
                                                        start. In addition, luring more women      things,” he says. “For example, newly
                                                        into the labour market will also be a      opened restaurants typically get a lot
                                                        good move. Females make up only            of custom in the beginning. Jordanians
                                                        13% of the job market at present.          like to try new food out of curiosity.”

                                                        SMALL, BUT HIGHLY                            Euromonitor reports that Jordanians
                                                        DEVELOPED                                  spend up to 40% of their budgets on
                                                        Although the Jordanian market is           food and non-alcoholic beverages,
                                                        not large – the population stands at       compared to a Western European
                                                        9,5-million, compared to 93-million in     figure of only 8-12%.
                                                        Egypt and 32-million in Saudi Arabia –
                                                        it is sophisticated and highly developed.    Jack Murad, CEO of Amman-based
                                                        This is partly because Jordanians are      Correct Marketing & Advertising, agrees
                                                        well educated and the literacy rate is     that consumers are seeking new
                                                        more than 90%. The country is well         experiences: “Retail has prospered in
                                                        known for its skilled workforce.           the last five years and there is huge
                                                                                                   expenditure in the sector. There are
                                                          “Unfortunately, this means that          now more than 20 malls and big
                                                        Jordanians often pursue better-paid        supermarket chains such as [French
                                                        opportunities in the MENA region           retailer] Carrefour in the country.”
                                                        and this brain-drain has kept growth
                                                                                                     Malls typically boast designer
                                                                                                   boutiques, cinema complexes,
                                                                                                   restaurants and family entertainment >>

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