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centres. International brands abound.       from abroad, but people pay more for          A modern shopping                      ?
But some – such as UK-based retailer        customs and shipping. This is why new         mall in Amman
Marks & Spencer and clothing brands         [local] services like CashBasha have                                                                                                                           PHOTOS: GETTY/GALLO IMAGES
George and F&F – have pulled out of         arisen; they facilitate purchasing from    competing with the likes of Al Ghad, the
Jordan due to high operational costs,       international stores such as Amazon        first independent Arabic daily national
rentals and taxes. Those brands that do     and deliver the goods to your doorstep     newspaper, published in Jordan.”
thrive typically tap into young Jordanian   in Jordan,” he says.
consumers’ hunger for ‘cool’ brands.                                                     Jarad says that both international
                                            MEDIA AND ADVERTISING                      and local advertising agencies are
   That said, Jordanians are not                                                       thriving and advertising quality is good.
completely sold on mall culture. “The       Privatisation has seen the media           “The campaigns that deliver a lot of
pattern of shopping at outdoor markets      and advertising sectors grow and           buzz are those that are really creative
or in family-owned mixed retail shops       diversify in recent years. And, for        and show thinking outside the box, as
has remained largely unchanged, with        the most part, Jordan follows global       well as those that use local celebrities,”
Jordan’s top five organised retail chains   trends in these industries.                he tells the IMM Journal of Strategic
accounting for just 5% of the market,                                                  Marketing. “There are few constraints
says Abdul Hadi.                              “Non-print media has played the          when it comes to advertising, but
                                            most impactful role in Jordanian           agencies are generally respectful of
?                                           culture,” notes Abdul Hadi. “Television    local culture and traditions.”
Social networking is                        production, in particular, has thrived
extremely popular                           due to high-quality acting and               Murad says the main challenges
among Jordanians                            interesting storylines that challenge      facing agencies are fierce
                                            and critique contemporary society.         competition within a small market
   Murad adds that, although the            The most-watched local TV stations         and comparatively low advertising
Jordanian market is small, it is            are Ro’ya TV and Jordan TV, although       budgets compared to the larger
characterised by high demand and            international news entities such as        markets of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
competition is fierce. A little-known fact  Middle East Broadcasting Centre (MBC)      “Telecommunications companies
is that many garments made by the           and BBC are popular as well.”              used to be the big spenders and their
likes of Gap, Victoria’s Secret, Calvin                                                campaigns are probably the most
Klein and Macy’s come from Jordan.            Yet print media continues to play a
Garment exports make up about 20%           large role in Jordanian culture – Al Rai,
of the country’s GDP, according to the      Addustour and Al Ghad are the most
website Business of Fashion. Because        widely read of the Arabic language
Jordan imports labour from countries        newspapers and the Jordan Times
as far afield as Bangladesh, India, Sri     is a popular English-language daily.
Lanka, Myanmar and Madagascar to            “Print can be said to be [diminishing],
work in the garment industry, there         although newspapers and business
is obviously a market for serving the       magazines still do well,” observes
needs of migrant workers too, albeit        Murad. “Radio, TV and outdoor media
a small one.                                are popular, with online starting to
                                            dominate. Social media is huge.”
   Khaled El Ahmad, a Social Media
Consultant and trainer at social              El Ahmad agrees. “According to Pew
media specialist company DigiArabs,         Research Centre, Jordan takes top
says a recent trend is to buy from          spot globally when it comes to social
local online stores because customs         networking, which is most prevalent
charges on imported goods are high.         among online adults (90% of Internet
“There are attempts to buy online           users in Jordan make use of social
                                            platforms). Social and digital media are
                                            receiving more of an [allocation] from
                                            companies’ overall marketing budgets,”
                                            he says. “Online news sites such
                                            as Khaberni and Ammon News are

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